
<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Anomalous Potion</a>

Anomalous Potion

The contents of this mysterious potion shift in both form and appearance at a steady interval, a visual indicator of its unstable nature. Drinking this strange mixture will supposedly trigger an unusual response in the consumer's body - one that can cause their physical characterstics to present in an atypical manner. What that means, exactly, is unclear.

Use: Can be used to convert one of the chararacter's standard traits to an anomalous variant.

Account Bound: No
Equipable: No
Craftable: Yes
Market Value: ?? 1-icon.png
<a href=" Egg" class="display-item">Hybrid Egg</a>

Hybrid Egg

An egg that appears to move occasionally, almost as if it is close to hatching. The result of a pairing between two Primordial Beasts, this item is popular among breeders, collecters, and pretty much anyone looking to welcome a furry, scaly, or feathery friend into their family. It is covered in several round splotches, the color of which correlates directly with the rarity of the creature within.

Use: Redeemable for a Class 0 Primordial Beast Companion of any hybrid species.

  • Hybrid eggs cannot be used to create hybrid legendaries, but otherwise there is no limit to the rarity of the species used.
  • Be sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the Creating a Character page when designing new characters.
  • A tutorial on how to redeem Companion Eggs can be found here.
Account Bound: No
Equipable: No
Craftable: No
Market Value: ?? 1-icon.png
<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Autumn Potion</a>

Autumn Potion

An unusual orange liquid with a warm, spicy scent bubbles in this ornate glass phial. It is said to have the power to alter ones appearance in ways that are not typically seen in Pokemonkind. Whether you consider that a blessing or a curse well... probably depends on the effect. After all, one never knows what might happen when messing with mysterious forces.

Use: Can be used to apply any of the following traits to a character: Nocturnal, Multiple Eyes, or Multiple Limbs.

Account Bound: No
Equipable: No
Craftable: No
Market Value: ?? 1-icon.png
<a href=" Core" class="display-item">Active Core</a>

Active Core

Applies the Cyber subtype to a character. Can only be used on characters with Legendary+ rarity.

Divine Relic

Applies the Seraphic subtype to a character. Can only be used on characters with Legendary+ rarity.

<a href=" Formula" class="display-item">Rebirth Formula</a>

Rebirth Formula

Can be used to change the species of:

    • A currently registered character
      • Character must maintain the same rarity tier (or lower) and overall design/traits/etc
      • If design/traits/etc are changed in the process, a makeover formula will also be required (one per rarity tier)


<a href=" Seed" class="display-item">Strange Seed</a>

Strange Seed

Resale Value: 10 Spring Festival Tickets

How mysterious...

<a href=" Basket" class="display-item">Gift Basket</a>

Gift Basket


There's probably lots of goodies inside!


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Radiance" class="display-item">100 Radiance</a>

100 Radiance


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Radiance" class="display-item">10 Radiance</a>

10 Radiance


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Charm" class="display-item">Size Charm</a>

Size Charm


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Charm" class="display-item">Color Charm</a>

Color Charm


Purchaseable At:

Floral Potion

Can be used to add a spring mutation to a character. Spring mutations currently include the following:

* Floral growth
Flowers/vines/plants can be growing from within the character's body. Plants can only grow on limbs but cannot replace them (ex. flowers can be growing on the tail but the tail cannot be a flower).

* Antlers
Can be treated as wood/branches but in order for them to have floral growth, the character also needs the floral growth mutation.

* Blooming Boon
Wherever the character steps, flowers, grass, and other plant life spring temporarily into bloom.

<a href=" Egg" class="display-item">Chocolate Egg</a>

Chocolate Egg

An add-on for any prompt submission. Grants a 25% chance to receive a random companion egg as a prompt reward. If an egg is successfully granted, there is a 25% chance that there will be leftovers. If an egg is not granted, there's a 50% chance that there will be leftovers and a 25% chance that the item will be consumed with no effect.

<a href=" Hearts" class="display-item">Conversation Hearts</a>

Conversation Hearts

An add-on for any prompt submission. Grants a 25% chance to apply a random effect to the prompt (extra radiance/exp/items/etc). If an effect is successfully granted, there is a 25% chance that there will be leftovers. If an effect is not granted, there's a 50% chance that there will be leftovers and a 25% chance that the item will be consumed with no effect.

<a href=" Locket" class="display-item">Heart Locket</a>

Heart Locket

50% chance to grant an extra +5 Radiance when drawn with a character who is also wearing a Heart Locket. Increases to 100% if both characters are wearing a Heart Locket AND Heart Bracelet.

5% Off Coupon

Can be used for a radiance discount on any item (purchaseable with radiance) except vouchers! Must be used through claims for the time being - attach the item you want to "purchase" to the rewards, then attach the value of the item in radiance -5% and also the coupon in the Add-ons!

128 results found.