Update: Visual tutorials are in the works for all our available tutorials! We're in the process of combing through them to make sure the information is as accurate and up to date as possible so we don't have to edit the tutorials for small changes, but that's something you can expect to see within the next couple of weeks here!

Tutorials for Glowchus.com! This page is a work in progress and a lot of tutorials haven't been fully completed or even added yet. Sorry for the mess! Please bear with us for a little while <3 More will be added later if necessary as the site grows and develops.

➤ Table of Contents


✧ The Tutorials ✧

During the time you spend here as a member of the Glowchus community, there are going to be a number of process that you will need to familiarize yourself with in order to fully enjoy, and hopefully enhance, your overall ARPG experience! The information outlined here is designed to walk you through those processes - and do so as effectively as possible! It is our hope that this page will not only benefit you, as a user of the website, but also us, as staff. After all, the more things members know how to do themselves, the less we have to do by association!

For the sake of having things laid out as clearly as possible, the information below is separated into sections. If you're looking for something specific, the table of contents at the top of this page breaks everything down accordingly. This will help you find exactly what you need without forcing you to skim through the entire page when you're looking for a particular guide. To minimize room for error, please follow the steps outlined in each specific tutorial closely. Slideshow tutorials have also been provided for those of you who are visual learners! Until you're wholly confident in your ability to handle any particular process, we recommend pulling up the respective tutorial and following it step by step as you work through it. The amount of text probably makes it look more daunting than it actually is, but don't worry! You'll get the hang of it quickly. And, as always, if you have any questions or just can't seem to figure something out, don't hesitate to ask!

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➤ Character Registrations

Arguably one of the most [if not the most] important aspects of the community, character registration is the process of registering characters to use for ARPG purposes! Because this is an artwork oriented roleplay group, it relies heavily on creative submissions as a means of progression for both the user and their characters. That said, in order to participate in most community activities, you will need a character to portray in said activities - whether through art pieces, lit pieces, or something else entirely! The tutorials outlined below are designed to guide you through the registration process.

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➤ New G1/G2 Main & Side Characters

Character registrations on the Glowchus website come in many forms, but if you're looking specifically to register a character that has never been registered in the community before [i.e. a character that was never part of Radiant Hearts, Radiant Spirits, and that was never registered on Glowpedia], then the steps outlined below should be a sufficient guide on how to do exactly that! The amount of text may seem daunting at first, especially considering the fact that character registration - for new characters in particular - is a multi-part process, but said process is very simple and straightforward. So let's get started!

➤ Step 1: Redeeming a Voucher
  1. From the Glowchus home page [or your profile page], navigate to your inventory.
  2. Once in your inventory, find and select the voucher you want to redeem.
  3. This will open another window with some information about the Voucher selected, as well as some options for what to do with it:
    1. Tick the checkbox next to the name of the voucher you want to redeem [this is necessary even if you only have a single voucher. If you don't tick the box, it won't work].
    2. Select the Use Slot option.
    3. You will be prompted to confirm that you do, in fact, want to use the slot. Hit the blue Open button.
  4. You're done! You should now have a brand new MYO slot listed under the MYO slots tab on your profile.

⭐ Visual Tutorial: Redeeming a Voucher

➤ Step 2: Submitting a Character
  1. From the Glowchus home page [or your profile page], navigate to your MYO Slots.
  2. On your MYO Slots page, find and select the slot you want to use in order to create your character.
  3. On the side panel to the left, under the Settings header, select the Submit MYO Design option.
  4. On the next page, confirm you want to start the MYO approval process by hitting the Create Request button.
  5. This will open a form for your MYO approval! We'll go through this process tab by tab so you'll know exactly what to do:
    1. Comments: Here, you'll want to copy and paste the following form:
      • Character Image: A link to a transparent version of the image you're using to register the character.
        • DO NOT use discord links or any links in general that will potentially expire before we can complete the registration.
      • Character Species: The species of your character, such as Pre-Luminarian, Luminarian, Half-Luminarian, etc.
      • Character Subtype: Whether or not your character is a subtype - if they are, include the name of the subtype. Otherwise just write Standard.
      • Character Typing: The typing of your character, such as Classic [Fire/Fighting] or Tri [Fire/Water/Grass].
      • Character Color: The color category your character falls into [ex. Traditional, Melanistic, Leucistic, Shiny, Other, etc].
      • Character Mutations: Any mutations your character has.
      • Additional Information: If you have any additional comments to add, write them here.
    2. Masterlist Image: Here, you will do three things:
      1. Upload a masterlist image for your character. The masterlist image should be applied to the masterlist frame.
        • A PSD for the masterlist frame template can be found here.
        • If, for any reason, you can't make the file yourself, you can always ask a mod for help!
      2. After uploading the masterlist card, a preview box and a slider will appear. This is the image cropper. Make sure that the controller on the slider pulled all the way to the left side of the bar, so that the masterlist image is completely uncropped in the preview.
      3. List a Designer [whoever designed the character] and an Artist [whoever made the art for the current masterlist image].
        • If your character has an on-site Designer/Artist, simply type their site username into the Select a Designer/Artist field.
        • If your character has an off-site Designer/Artist, paste the URL to one of their socials in the Designer/Artist URL field
          • You do not need to use the URL field if the artist is registered on the site - it's one or the other, not both.
    3. Add-Ons: While you shouldn't need the add-ons field in most cases, there are a few situations in which you may need to add items to your form. For example, Side Characters can be registered at any evolutionary stage, but Main Characters can only be registered at the base or baby stage of their evolutionary line [ex. you can register a Glowchu as a Pichu or Pikachu but not a Raichu]. The solution to this, if you're looking to register your 'chu line Main Character as a Raichu, is to attach a Thunder Stone to the submission form. The same holds true for any additional items they may need for their creation process - such as Prism Dye for additional colors or Rare Candies for evolutionary stages that are based on levels rather than an evolutionary stone or item. Simply attach them to the submission form on this page and you'll be good to go!
      • Note that you can also use currency in place of any items you need. For example, if you need a Thunder Stone but you don't have one in your inventory, you can attach the value of the Thunder Stone in Radiance (100) instead!
    4. Traits: On the traits tab, you will need to list out any traits that apply to the character you're registering. The traits listed here should be the same as what you wrote out in the comments tab previously! That said, what you list here should match up to what you wrote out there.
      1. Species: The species of your character! You can pick from any of these options.
      2. Subtype: The subtype of your character! In most cases, you will just choose Standard. If your character is a subtype, however, you can choose from any of these options.
      3. Character Rarity: Contrary to the name, this is actually the section used to define whether a character is a Main Character or a Side Character. The form won't let you change what's selected here, as it will be chosen automatically based on the voucher used to create the character. But for the sake of clarity, the options are outlined here.
      4. Traits: In the exact order outlined below, add the following traits to your character:
        • Type: The type category the character falls into. A list of available type categories can be found here.
          • After adding the type category, list the exact type in the notes [ex. Fire/Fighting or Water/Grass].
        • Color: The character's color category. A list of available color categories can be found here.
        • Mutations: In this field, you will need to add one additional field line for every mutation the character possesses. A list of all available mutations can be found here.
    5. Status: Now that you have all the tabs filled out, you can go back to the Status tab [the very first tab] and simply hit the Submit Request button. You will be prompted to confirm the submission. You'll need to click the blue Submit Request button for a second time in order to confirm the submission.
  6. And that's it! You're done! Just wait for your character to be approved. If it's rejected, the form will be sent back to you with an explanation as to what needs to be fixed. Once you fix those issues, you can resubmit the form for approval!

⭐ Visual Tutorial: Submitting a Character

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➤ Old G1/G2 Main & Side Characters

The character registration process for characters that were formerly registered in a previous iteration of Glowchus [be it through Radiant Hearts, Radiant Spirits, or Glowpedia] is a tad bit different than the process for characters that have never been registered before. This is because previously registered characters have already been paid for, so if you tried to register them the same way you would for an entirely new character, you'd effectively be paying for them twice! In order to avoid this, registrations for old characters are done through claims instead, the process for which is outlined below:

  1. On the top right-hand side of the Glowchus website, you will see a section of the navigation bar titled Submit.
  2. Clicking on Submit will open up a dropdown menu with a few additional options. From this menu, select Submit Claim. This will take you to the New Claim page.
  3. Fill out the form as follows:
    1. Title: Claim submissions should ALWAYS have a title and the title should be relevant to the claim's purpose [ex. "Character Registration" or something similar in this case]. Titles should never be URLs and they should never be left blank.
    2. Comments: The following form should be filled out in the comments:
      • Masterlist Card: The character's masterlist card [if you can't put the image on the card, you can skip this field and the responding mod will do it for you!]
      • Masterlist Art: The art used on the character's masterlist card [this is just in case we need to make adjustments to the character's placement on the card or alternatively if a masterlist card wasn't linked so that we may use the provided image to make one for you].
      • Designer/Artist: Whoever designed the character. If the person who designed them is not the same person that did the art, please list both the designer and the artist!
      • Main or Side: Whether your character is a Main or Side Character. Characters that were previously registered in RS as Mains, Secondaries, or Children will be Main Characters  in Glowchus by default. Only characters that were registered previously as NPCs will be sides.
      • Character Species: The species of your character [such as Pre-Luminarian, Luminarian, or Non-Luminarian].
      • Character Subtype: Whether or not your character is a subtype - if they're a subtype, include the name of the subtype. Otherwise just write Standard.
      • Character Typing: The typing of your character, such as Fire/Fighting or Fire/Water/Grass.
      • Character Color: The color category your character falls into [ex. Traditional, Melanistic, Leucistic, Shiny, Other, etc].
      • Character Mutations: Any mutations your character has.
      • Additional Information: Any extra information that you want to include. If you're re-registering a character that was registered previously, the additional information should include some form of proof that the character was, in fact, already registered [it may be declined otherwise].
    3. Add-Ons: If you're re-registering the character exactly as they were previously, you won't need any add-ons. If you're making any adjustments to them, however, you will need to attach items to accomodate the changes made. For example, if you're upgrading from Uncommon to Rare, you'll need to attach an Upgrade Voucher. Side Characters do not need any add-ons attached, regardless of any changes that may have been made - they can be updated for free at the owner's discretion.
  4. Once you've filled out the form, hit the blue Submit button and wait for a member of the administrative team to look over your claim. If it was approved, your companion will be registered shortly thereafter. If it was rejected, the overseeing staff member will explain why in the Staff Comments field. Once the problems have been fixed, you can resubmit the claim!

⭐ Visual Tutorial: Coming soon!

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➤ New & Old Companions

Whether you want to register a Companion that was already a part of the Glowchus community previously, or an entirely new Companion that has never been a part of the community at all, the registration process for them is the same and is handled exclusively through claims. This is because there are aspects of the registration process for this type of character that cannot be fully automated by the website itself [such as ensuring the species determined by Mystery Egg rolls, as well as the genetic makeup of any offspring produced through breeding]. Due to this lack of automation, Companion registrations need to be looked over by a mod before approval and the easiest way to do so is by having them registered through claims. So! To register your Companion characters, simply follow the steps outlined below!

  1. On the top right-hand side of the Glowchus website, you will see a section of the navigation bar titled Submit.
  2. Clicking on Submit will open up a dropdown menu with a few additional options. From this menu, select Submit Claim. This will take you to the New Claim page.
  3. Fill out the form as follows:
    1. Title: Claim submissions should ALWAYS have a title and the title should be relevant to the claim's purpose [ex. "Companion Registration" or something similar in this case]. Titles should never be URLs and they should never be left blank.
    2. Comments: The following form should be filled out in the comments:
      • Masterlist Card: The Companion's masterlist card [if you can't put the image on the card, you can skip this field and the responding mod will do it for you!]
      • Masterlist Art: The art used on the Companion's masterlist card [this is just in case we need to make adjustments to the Companion's placement on the card or alternatively if a masterlist card wasn't linked so that we may use the provided image to make one for you].
      • Designer/Artist: Whoever designed the companion. If the person who designed them is not the same person that did the art, please list both the designer and the artist!
      • Subtype: If applicable - in most cases it will just be Standard [the only time it won't be standard is if you're redeeming a Novelty Egg or if you're re-registering a pre-existing Novelty pet].
      • Species: The species of Companion - if you're registering a new Companion, the species should match the species listed on the attached egg if the egg has a predetermined species. Otherwise, it can be any species as long as the species falls into the rarity tier of the attached egg.
      • Class: If applicable. In most cases, it will be Class 0 [the only time it won't be Class 0 is if you've attached a Beast Pass, if you're hatching an egg that was bred, or if you're re-registering an old Companion with a previously established class].
      • Gender: Necessary for breeding purposes! This field cannot be left blank unless the species is genderless [ex. Magnemite or Voltorb] by default.
      • Additional Information: Any extra information that you want to include. If you're re-registering a Companion that was registered previously, the additional information should include some form of proof that the character was, in fact, already registered.
    3. Add-Ons: This is where you will attach the egg you'll be redeeming for the companion [if you're re-registering the Companion, an egg isn't required]. If you're making any adjustments to them, however, you will need to attach items to accomodate the changes made. For example, if you're upgrading the class of the Companion, you'll need to attach the corresponding amount of Class Upgrade Passes! Or if you want to submit the resulting Companion at another evolutionary stage, you can attach the necessary evolutionary item(s).
  4. Once you've filled out the form, hit the blue Submit button and wait for a member of the administrative team to look over your claim. If it was approved, your Companion will be registered shortly thereafter. If it was rejected, the overseeing staff member will explain why in the Staff Comments field.

⭐ Visual Tutorial: Coming soon!

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➤ Character Updates

Throughout the time you spend participating in the Glowchus community, there will inevitably come a point when your character(s) needs to be updated. Whether you want to change your character's masterlist art, evolve them to their next evolutionary stage, or completely revamp their design entirely, all these things require that said character be put through the character update process. How, exactly, you go about updating your characters is actually very similar to the character registration process! Once you've registered a character, updating a character will probably be second nature to you. This section will outline the specifics of how to update your characters and the process through which this can be done!

➤ The Update Process
  1. From the Glowchus home page [or your profile page], navigate to your Characters page.
  2. On your Characters page, find and select the character you want to update.
  3. On the side panel to the left, under the Settings header, select the Update Design option.
  4. On the next page, confirm you want to start the design update process by hitting the Create Request button.
  5. This will open a form for your design update! It's the same one used during the registration process, but since a lot of the information was already filled out during registration, we only have to update it according to the changes we're making! As before, we'll go through this process tab by tab so you'll know exactly what to do:
    1. Comments: Unlike character registrations, we actually don't have a specific form for character updates. Just let us know what changes you're making to the character here [i.e. whether you're adding or dropping a trait or simply updating the masterlist art] so we can look out for them and make sure they were applied properly.
    2. Masterlist Image: Here, you will do three things:
      1. Upload a new masterlist image for your character. The masterlist image should be applied to the masterlist frame.
        • A PSD for the masterlist frame template can be found here.
        • If, for any reason, you can't make the file yourself, you can always ask a mod for help!
      2. After uploading the masterlist card, a preview box and a slider will appear. This is the image cropper. Make sure that the controller on the slider pulled all the way to the left side of the bar, so that the masterlist image is completely uncropped in the preview.
      3. List a Designer [whoever designed the character] and an Artist [whoever made the art for the current masterlist image].
        • If your character has an on-site Designer/Artist, simply type their site username into the Select a Designer/Artist field.
        • If your character has an off-site Designer/Artist, paste the URL to one of their socials in the Designer/Artist URL field
          • You do not need to use the URL field if the artist is registered on the site - it's one or the other, not both.
    3. Add-Ons: If you're making changes to the character that requires the application of any items, you will attach those items here. For example, if you're evolving a character via the use of a Thunder Stone or upgrading them to the next rarity tier with an Upgrade Voucher, then simply attach the items you need and you'll be good to go!
      • Note that you can also use currency in place of any items you need. For example, if you need a Thunder Stone, but you don't have one in your inventory, you can attach the value of the Thunder Stone in Radiance (100) instead!
    4. Traits: Thankfully, your character's traits will already be listed out for you here! The only reason you'll have to make any adjustments to them is if you're adding, dropping, or swapping traits. If you're removing traits, you can remove them from this list. If you're adding traits, you can add to the list instead! And if you want to swap one trait with another, just swap what's currently listed out with the new trait. Otherwise, there's nothing you need to do here and you can therefore move on to the final step!
    5. Status: Now that you have all the tabs filled out, you can go back to the Status tab [the very first tab] and simply hit the Submit Request button. You will be prompted to confirm the submission. You'll need to click the blue Submit Request button for a second time in order to confirm the submission.
  6. And that's it! You're done! Just wait for your design request to approved. If it's rejected, the form will be sent back to you with an explanation as to what needs to be fixed. Once you fix those issues, you can resubmit the form for approval!

⭐ Visual Tutorial: Coming soon!

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➤ Gallery Submissions

In order to earn Radiance for the content you create for ARPG purposes, said content will need to be submitted to the on site gallery. With very few exceptions, ARPG related activity takes place almost exclusively on the website. What this essentially means is that, in order for your ARPG-oriented content to valid for ARPG purposes, it must be uploaded to the site. From there, you can use said content to participate in prompts, questlines, and so on. This is basically for record keeping purposes and helps us, as members of the Glowchus administrative team, keep track of things. Submissions to the Glowchus on site gallery can be archived, but they can't be deleted, meaning we'll always have a record of all the content that's ever been submitted! In order to submit something to the gallery, please follow the steps outlined in the sections below:

➤ Gallery Folders
➤ Making a Submission
  1. On the top left-hand side of the Glowchus website, you will see a section of the navigation bar titled "Gallery."
  2. Clicking on "Gallery" will take you to the community gallery page! You should see several different gallery folders on this page, all of which have been outlined in the section above.
  3. In order to make a gallery submission, you will need to navigate to the specific folder for which you plan on making said submission. From there, hit the blue "Submit" button on the top-right of the screen.
  4. This will bring you to the gallery submission page, where you will need to fill out the following form based on the content you are submitting:
    1. Image: If your submission is an art piece, this is where you will upload the image! Just hit the "Browse" button and select the file you want to upload.
      • Art submissions cannot be larger than 3MB.
      • Art submissions should not extend more than 2,000 pixels on either side.
    2. Text: If your submission is a written piece, just copy and paste the text into this field.
      • The "Text" field is ONLY for the content of written submissions. It is not the place for artist comments or miscellaneous notes.
    3. Title: The title of your submission! A title is required and should be relevant to the piece being submitted.
    4. Description: You can tell the viewer a little about your submission in this field, but it's not required!
    5. Content Warning: This should never need to be used - if the submission requires a filter, then it's too graphic to be submitted to the on site gallery [although you're more than welcome to use it to hide spoilers, or content that could potentially be triggering to some users [insects or blood for example], but it is not required.]
    6. Prompt: Not all galleries will have this field as an option, but for the ones that do, you will select the relevant prompt from the dropdown menu. The prompt selected should be whatever prompt the submission was made for [i.e. don't choose "Weekly Feature" if your submission was made for "Draw the Glowchu Above"].
    7. Characters: Add any characters that make an appearance in the submission here! You can do so by copy and pasting their respective masterlist codes [ex. "G1-0012" or "CM-0001"].
      • Gallery submissions must include at least one registered character.
      • If the submission includes characters that haven't been registered yet, you can add them later!
      • If the submission includes characters that aren't relevant to the ARPG, you will not receive radiance for those characters.
    8. Collaborators: If the submission is a collab, you will note down all the participants (including yourself) and their contribution to the piece here. Otherwise, ignore this field.
    9. Other Participants: If the submission is a gift, trade, or commission for another person [or people], you can note that here. Otherwise, ignore this field.
    10. Radiance Awards: This form will determine how the radiance distribution for your submission will be calculated! It should be filled out accordingly:
      1. Piece Type: Select based on whether your submission is art, literature, or craft! If the submission is made up of more than one piece type, you can select multiple!
      2. Level of Finish: Select based on whether your submission is lineart, flat colored, or rendered. All levels of finish fall into one of these three options. For example, "Lineart" is the option you would choose if your submission was a sketch. For a more specific breakdown, you can refer to the currency distribution page.
      3. Art Type: Select whether or not your submission is a headshot [30% of the character showing], half body [50% of the character showing], or full body [90% of the character showing]. If there are multiple characters included in your submission, you can choose the option for whatever character has the most percent showing. If you're unsure of the exact percentages, there's a helpful guide available on the currency distribution page.
      4. Bonus Options: Select based on however many art bonuses your submission includes. To determine whether or not your submission qualifies for any additional bonus radiance, please refer, once again, to the currency distribution page.
        • You cannot select more than one background option or more than one animation option.
        • You can select both a background option and an animation option.
      5. Word Count: if your submission contains a written aspect, you can write the word count here.
        • Word counts can be added in conjunction to a visual submission if your submission contains both visual and literary aspects!
  5. Hit the blue "Submit" button in the bottom right-hand corner and you're finished! Your submission won't appear in the gallery right away, as it will need to be approved by a mod first.
    • Note that currency distrinbution isn't automatic and is also something that's handled by a mod, so please be patient! If you don't receive your radiance right away, it's probably because the mods are busy with other things. So don't worry - we won't forget about you!

⭐ Visual Tutorial: Coming soon!

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➤ Prompt Submissions

Prompt submissions are the means through which both users and characters progress in Glowchus! Although participation via prompts is not required, by any means. If you prefer to spend your time here simply creating characters and developing them with your friends, that's completely fair entirely up to you. But for anyone who wants to get involved in the official storytelling and character building aspects that ARPGs are known for, prompts are the only way to do it!

The community offers a variety of prompts to participate in from two distinct variations of storyline prompts, to fun activities, and everything in between. We want our member base to be able to enjoy the community in their own way and at their own pace. That said, prompts generally do not have deadlines [although there may be some exceptions] and can be participated in with either your own submissions or submissions that have been commissioned from others [again, with a few exceptions]. And of course, we also accept submissions of any media and skill level - as long as said submissions stay in line with the objective of the prompt. So, if you're looking to start getting involved in the more artistic aspects of the community, the tutorials outlined below will help you to do exactly that!

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➤ Introduction Prompts


Step 1: Join the Glowchus Discord server
Step 2: Make a post in the  #introductions channel using the following form:
          ✧ **Site Username:**
          ✧ **Name/Nickname:**
          ✧ **About Yourself:**
          ✧ **Why You Joined Glowchus (optional):**
          ✧ **Socials (optional):**
          ✧ **Referred by (optional):**
Step 3: Use the "Submit Prompt" button for this prompt.
Step 4: In the "Submission URL" field, paste a link to your introdction message.
Step 5: Click the "Submit" button. And that's all there is to it!
Once a mod approves your submission, the rewards will be distributed automatically.

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  1. Join the Glowchus Discord server
  2. Check the #weekly-feature channel to see which character is featured for the week.
  3. Draw the featured character
  4. Once you've finished drawing said character...
    • Submit the completed image to the "Weekly Feature" gallery under the "Gallery" tab on Glowchus.com
    • Make sure when submitting the image to fill out all the fields correctly! Make sure to also...
      • Give your submission a title
      • Select the "Weekly Feature" prompt from the "Prompt (Optional)" menu
      • Link the characters included in the submission by hitting the "Add Character" button
  5. Use the "Submit Prompt" button for this prompt.
  6. In the "Submission URL" field, paste a link to your DTGA submission (specifically the one you submitted to the gallery).
  7. Make sure to link any characters included in the submission and add on any potential rewards.
  8. Click the "Submit" button.
  9. You're finished! You can participate again next week!
    • Once a mod approves your submission, the rewards will be distributed automatically.




➤ Storyline Prompts

Storyline Prompts are the community's "Main Events" so to speak. These prompts outline the events of the overarching story of Glowchus [hence their name] and are our biggest, most progressive prompts in respects to both user and character participation! Participation in these prompts is the means by which you illustrate, and likewise determine, the roles your characters will play in that story, and thereby how it ultimately ends up playing out. As a result, the rewards for storyline prompts tend to be a lot more generous and beneficial to both user and character alike than those received from other prompts. If you're confused on how, exactly, you go about participating in one of these activities, then please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. On the top right-hand side of the Glowchus website, you will see a section of the navigation bar titled "Submit."
  2. Clicking "Submit" will open up a dropdown menu with a few additional options. From this menu, select "Submit Prompt." This will take you to the New Submission page.
  3. Fill out the form as follows:
    1. Prompt: Select the prompt your entry is for from the dropdown menu [alternatively, you can also make a submission to the prompt directly from the Prompts page].
    2. Submission URL: Paste a link to your entry's gallery submission here [ex. https://glowchus.com/gallery/view/704]
      • Submission URLs can only be Glowchus.com gallery links. Off site URLs [such as those from Discord or dA] are not allowed and will not be accepted.
    3. Comments: In the "Comments" field, copy, pase, and fill out the following form:
      • Participating Character: A link to the masterlist entry of the character being used to participate in the prompt [ex. https://glowchus.com/character/G2-0002].
      • Previous Submission: A link to your previous submission for the participating character for this prompt [if applicable].
      • Bonus Rewards: A complete breakdown of any extra rewards applicable to the prompt submission.
    4. Rewards: The rewards section is where you will add on any bonus rewards earned as a result of requirements met, items applied, applicable perks, and so on. The only rewards applied to the submission automatically will be the prompt's default rewards [usually Radiance, an item, or both]. Anything extra needs to be added on manually by the user during the submission process. Manually added rewards may include any [or a combination] of the following:
      • Radiance: Prompt submissions may qualify for additional Radiance on top of the prompt's default rewards due to any of the following:
        • Amulet Coins - Doubles the amount of base Radiance earned for participating in the prompt [ex. If the base Radiance is 15, you'll add an additional +15R for a total of 30R earned].
          • DO NOT attach your Amulet Coin to the prompt submission. Just having it in your inventory is sufficient.
        • Equippables - Some equippable items provide Radiance bonuses when worn by the character [or the pets of said character] that they belong to.
          • Equippables apply ONLY if they're owned by and illustrated on the participating character or said character's bonded pets.
          • A maximum of 5 equippables can be applied to any given prompt submission, regardless of how many are actually portrayed.
        • Perks - Some [but not all] Perks apply Radiance bonuses to prompt submissions when certain requirements are met. For example, portraying a character with their bonded pet will grant up to 3 extra Radiance depending on the affection level of the pet.
          • Multiple perks can be applied to a single submission, but only one of each type will be valid. If you include two of your character's bonded companions in a prompt submission, for example, you will only receive the "Bonded" Radiance bonus for one of them [not both].
          • Radiance bonuses are only applicable to prompt submissions for perks that affect your own characters. You will not get bonuses from the perks of other people's characters.
        • Other Bonuses - Some prompts may offer additional Radiance for meeting specific requirements. These requirements can be anything from including a specific character in your submission, to participating in the prompt a specific number of times. Be sure to read the information for each respective prompt carefully so that you don't miss out on any potential bonuses!
      • Experience: Experience must be added manually per character - it is not included in a prompt's default rewards due to the fact that it is character specific. Storyline prompts grant 100EXP for the participating character [and their Companions] and 10EXP for any additional characters included in the submission.
        • This is doubled for all characters if you have a Lucky Egg - even if the character's don't belong to you!
        • The bonded perk is required for included Companions. Otherwise, they will only receive the standard 10EXP.
      • Affection: Companions included in prompt submissions alongside their bonded characters also receive +1 Affection for participating in storyline prompts!
        • This is doubled for any Companions holding a Soothe Bell.
        • The bonded perk is required for included Companions. Otherwise, they will not receive affection.
      • Items: Similar to the situation with Radiance, prompt submissions may qualify for additional item rewards on top of the prompt's default rewards due to any of the following:
        • Equippables - Some equippables provide item bonuses when worn by the character [or the Companions of said character] that they belong to.
          • Equippables apply ONLY if they're owned by and illustrated on the participating character or said character's bonded pets.
          • A maximum of 5 equippables can be applied to any given prompt submission, regardless of how many are actually portrayed.
        • Perks - Some [but not all] Perks apply item bonuses to prompt submissions when certain requirements are met. For example, including a bonded Companion with the "Treasure Hunter" perk will award Foraging Loot.
          • Multiple perks can be applied to a single submission, but only one of each type will be valid. If you include two of your character's bonded companions in a prompt submission, for example, you will only receive the "Treasure Hunter" loot bonus for one of them [not both] assuming they both have the Perk..
          • Radiance bonuses are only applicable to prompt submissions for perks that affect your own characters. You will not get bonuses from the perks of other people's characters.
        • Other Bonuses - Some prompts may offer additional item rewards for meeting specific requirements. These requirements can be anything from including a specific character in your submission, to participating in the prompt a specific number of times. Be sure to read the information for each respective prompt carefully so that you don't miss out on any potential bonuses!
    5. Characters: This is where you will link any of the characters that make an appearance in the prompt entry. This is very important, as it links characters to the prompt and grants them rewards for being included. Characters that were not added to the submission form during the submission process cannot be added later and will therefore not be eligible for any rewards they missed out on as a result of not being added to the form during the submission process!
    6. Add-ons: If a prompt requires any add-ons for any reason, you will attach them to the submission here. There aren't a lot of situations where you would need to add an item to a prompt submission, but some items that can be attached, as well as the reason you would need to do so, are outlined below:
      • Prompt Repeat Pass: If you've already participated in a specific prompt, you will need a Prompt Repeat Pass in order to participate again. Once a character has participated in any given storyline prompt, they are not eligible to participate again, regardless of whether or not a pass is used. Passes are only so that you can participate in the prompt with additional characters.
  4. Hit the blue "Submit" button in the bottom right corner and you're done! This will drop the submission into the approval queue, where a member of the Glowchus administrative team will look it over for any errors. If it's rejected for any reason, the responding admin will explain why in the "Staff Comments" field. If your submission is rejected, you can resubmit once the errors have been fixed!

⭐ Visual Tutorial: Coming soon!




  1. Join the Glowchus Discord server
  2. Make a post in the #dtga channel using the following form (note: you aren't required to have the "Completed Art" section filled out yet - that part comes later):
    • **Site Name:**
    • **Character ML Entry:**
    • **Completed Art:**
  3. Draw the Glowchu listed under the "Character ML Entry" in the post directly above your own.
  4. Once you've finished drawing said Glowchu...
    1. Submit the completed image to the "Draw the Glowchu Above" gallery under the "Gallery" tab on Glowchus.com.
    2. Make sure when submitting the image to fill out all the fields correctly! Make sure to also...
      1. Give your submission a title
      2. Select the "Draw the Glowchu Above" prompt from the "Prompt (Optional)" menu
      3. Link the characters included in the submission by hitting the "Add Character" button
  5. Edit your post in the #dtga channel to include a link to the completed image.
  6. Use the "Submit Prompt" button for this prompt.
  7. In the "Submission URL" field, paste a link to your DTGA submission (specifically the one you submitted to the gallery).
  8. Make sure to link any characters included in the submission and add on any potential rewards.
  9. Click the "Submit" button.
  10. You're finished! Now you can participate again!
  11. Once a mod approves your submission, the rewards will be distributed automatically.


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Sometimes there will be situations where you need to claim a reward or begin a process that doesn't have a specific means of doing so on the user side of the website. When situations like this occur, you can reach out to the administrative team through our Claims system, where, as the name suggests, you claim those rewards independently from any prompt/event/activity/etc. Things are pretty streamlined on Glowchus for the most part and there aren't a lot of things that need to be done through claims [and the things that do are in the process of being streamlined as well], so there's not a whole lot of situations where you will need to use this system. But in instances where you do, the tutorials outlined below will illustrate the steps you need to take to start the process!

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➤ Frame Changes

If you want to update your character, but only want to change the frame, then instead of going through character updates, you simply submit a frame change claim! To do so, simply follow the steps outlined below:

  1. On the top right-hand side of the Glowchus website, you will see a section of the navigation bar titled Submit.
  2. Clicking on Submit will open up a dropdown menu with a few additional options. From this menu, select Submit Claim. This will take you to the New Claim page.
  3. Fill out the form as follows:
    1. Title: Claim submissions should ALWAYS have a title and the title should be relevant to the claim's purpose [ex. "Character Update" or something similar in this case]. Titles should never be URLs and they should never be left blank.
    2. Comments: There's no need to fill out any sort of form in the coments for this type of claim! Just make sure to leave us a link to the new masterlist card for us to upload. If you can't apply the character's image to the frame on your own, feel free to leave a link to the character image itself and we can apply it to the frame for you!
      • The Rewards, Characters, and Add-Ons fields can all be left blank!
  4. Once you've filled out the form, hit the blue Submit button and wait for a member of the administrative team to look over your claim. If it was approved, your Companion will be registered shortly thereafter. If it was rejected, the overseeing staff member will explain why in the Staff Comments field.

⭐ Visual Tutorial: Coming soon!

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➤ Mystery Egg Rolls

While we are actively working on a process to streamline our Mystery Egg system, for now, Mystery Egg rolls are done through claims! To submit a claim for any Mystery Eggs you have that need to be rolled, youc an follow the steps below:

  1. On the top right-hand side of the Glowchus website, you will see a section of the navigation bar titled Submit.
  2. Clicking on Submit will open up a dropdown menu with a few additional options. From this menu, select Submit Claim. This will take you to the New Claim page.
  3. Fill out the form as follows:
    1. Title: Claim submissions should ALWAYS have a title and the title should be relevant to the claim's purpose [ex. "Mystery Egg Rolls" or something similar in this case]. Titles should never be URLs and they should never be left blank.
    2. Add-Ons: Attach the eggs you want rolled!
      • The Comments, Rewards, and Characters fields can all be left blank!
  4. Once you've filled out the form, hit the blue Submit button and wait for a member of the administrative team to look over your claim. If it was approved, your Companion will be registered shortly thereafter. If it was rejected, the overseeing staff member will explain why in the Staff Comments field.

⭐ Visual Tutorial: Coming soon!