


Displays as: 0 Affection
Held by: Characters

"Currency" exclusive to pets. It indicate's the pet's current affection level. 1 = 1%. The maximum it can be is 100.

At 20%, the pet becomes eligible for the "Bonded" perk, in which they can be officially bonded to a character for radiance bonuses and other benefits.

If traded, a pets affection will reset to 0 and they will lose their bonded perk. If the bonded character is swapped, the affection will reset to 20%.



Displays as: 0 Experience
Held by: Characters

Currency held by both Companions and Characters. Indicates the holder's current level at a rate of 100exp = 1 level. The maximum exp a character can have is 10,000 (100 levels)

Job Experience

Job Experience

Displays as: 0 Job Experience
Held by: Characters

A currency exclusive to characters. Can be obtained by completeting jobs.



Displays as: 0 Radiance
Held by: Users
Spring Festival Tickets

Spring Festival Tickets

Displays as: 0 Spring Festival Tickets
Held by: Users


Displays as: 0 Stamina
Held by: Users
Star Tokens

Star Tokens

Displays as: 0 Star Tokens
Held by: Users

Star tokens are a special currency that can be received exclusively through monetary donations and certain gift oriented prompts. They are used to purchase special items from an equally special shop that are generally unobtainable through any other means. Star Tokens can also be exchanged for Wish Tags at a rate of 1:1.

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