✧ Creating a Character ✧

A comprehensive guide on character creation

Welcome to the official Glowchus Creating a Character page! This is where you'll learn everything you need to know about creating an acceptable and valid character for the ARPG aspects of the community - be it a Glowchu or something else entirely. If you already know a lot about how things work around here, it won't be necessary for you to read all the information outlined on this page. That said, even if you have former knowledge about the site itself, character design requirements, and so on, we would appreciate it if you gave the following information a quick skim through at the very least, as there may have been some significant changes since the last time you read one of our character creation guides. The content outlined below is quite in-depth, so we've broken it down into sections (which can be referenced in our table of contents below) to help you find just the information you're looking for!

  1. Character Categories
  2. Generations & Species
  3. Design Guidelines
  4. Evolutionary Stages & Age Ranges
  5. Colors & Mutations
  6. Types, Abilities, & Movesets
  7. Experience, Stats, & Levels
  8. Variants & Subtypes
  9. Reproduction & Genetics
  10.  Rarity Quick Guide

And just to reiterate from our Community Rules & Guidelines page, since it's applicable here as well: If you feel like there's anything we left out and that should also be added, or if anything seems unclear and requires further explanation, please don't hesitate to let us know or ask us questions! Members of the administrative team are generally available at all hours of the day to deal with any concerns you may have. And if ever a situation arises where you're not comfortable asking questions or voicing concerns publicly, please don't hesitate to message the founders directly!

Before getting started, please note that the information outlined on this page is written under the assumption that you're creating a character SPECIFICALLY for participation in the community. If that is not the case, the information here can be completely disregarded as Glowchus (and other such characters) that weren't created for ARPG purposes do not fall under the same guidelines - you are free to do whatever you like with your characters outside our community and its established setting.


Character Categories

Kicking things off with the basics - Characters in Glowchus are divided into three distinct categories (which are further divided into two distinct generations and five separate species - but more on that below). These categories are Main Characters, Side Characters, and Companions respectively.

Characters in Glowchus are divided into five distinct categories based on their species - Pre-Luminarians, Luminarians, Half-Luminarians, Non-Luminarians, and Primordial Beasts respectively. If the name sounds familiar to you, it might be because the name "Luminarian" is also associated with one of our species that, while connected to this universe overall, is completely unrelated to Pokemon. In the context of Glowchus specifically, however, Luminarian is the official name for glowing species as a whole. For example, a Glowchu is officially known as a Luminarian Pikachu (or Pichu or Raichu). As the primary focus of the community, Glowchus (Luminarians) themselves are defined by a category separate from that of other Pokemon (Non-Luminarians)

Members are free to make characters at their discretion, granted they have the permission and/or qualification to do so. For example, everyone who signs up on the website gets access to a Starter Voucher - an item that can be redeemed for a non-transferrable, common tier character. Any additional character vouchers must be purchased via Radiance over at the General Store. Pets can either be tamed via trials or purchased from the local Pet Shop (they can also be obtained via breedings!). It might be a little confusing, or even a bit overwhelming at first, but separating characters into their own unique classifications helps to keep things organized. If you’re interested in learning more about each respective character classification, a list of the three categories can be found listed below, along with a brief overview of each one (the very same information can also be found on the encyclopedia page, for future reference!).


Pre-Luminarians, also known as Predecessors, are essentially prototypes to Glowchus.Unlike most other Luminarian oriented species, Pre-Luminarians can only be members of the 'chu line.


A Glowchu is a member of the Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu line who exhibit distinct traits and abilities from that of a normal member of its species. Genetic modification over a thousand years ago is what led to this curious subset of Pikachu, and their unique DNA has only continued to evolve and mutate over time. Their most notable feature is the unique bioluminescent markings that gave them their name - their eyes, cheeks, the inside of their mouth and even their blood glow, as well. Whereas a normal ‘chu might be pure Electric-type, a Glowchu can be any typing (up to three, in rare cases) and has the capacity to learn virtually any move and ability relating to their types.


are individuals who have Glowchu genes and thus display some of those traits, but don’t have the full range of abilities that a pure-blooded one would have. For example: while their eyes and cheeks are often unnatural colors and their ear/back markings may differ from a normal ‘chu, they don’t have the characteristic markings or bioluminescence of a full Glowchu, and they always fall under the normal typing, moveset, and abilities of their species (except under some special circumstances). Because of this, they fall under the “Non-Glowchu” category rather than “Glowchu.”


Anything that is not specifically a Glowchu is referred to as a Non-Glowchu. Typically, this is primarily used to refer to “normal” Pokemon, but Pokemon that fall into this category may not always be what one would consider ordinary. Like Glowchus, non-Glowchus

As the title implies, a Non-Glowchu is any character that, well... isn’t a Glowchu. “Normal” Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu and any other species of Pokemon fall under this designation. While some variation from the standard appearance is accepted - slightly lighter or darker body color, differently colored eyes, mild marking variation, hairstyles, etc - they should remain easily recognizable as that species unless you have acquired the proper items or permission to add more drastic changes.

Primordial Beasts

Basically, primordial beasts are the feral Pokemon of the world - those that, instead of evolving into the human-like level of intelligence that much of the general populace did over time, devolved into something much more primal. Virtually all of these beasts have physically mutated from their predecessors to some extent, and they’re categorized into separate classes ranging from 0 to 5 based upon level of mutation as well as general behavior, threat level, and other characteristics. They are prevalent all over the world and many have befriended or trained them to serve as pets or perform certain tasks.

Primordial beasts are excluded from the Creating a Character guide because they will have their very on guide!


Design Guidelines










Welcome to our in-depth and comprehensive Creating a Character guide! This is where you'll learn everything you need to know in order to create an acceptable and valid character for the group. For now, however, while the group is still getting up on its feet, we're only going to cover the basics; we'll elaborate and expand on the content written here as the group develops. If you already know a lot about Glowchus, such as from being a member of Radiant-Hearts or Radiant-Spirits, it won't be necessary for you to read all the information written here. But, even if you do have former knowledge about the species, their design requirements, and so on, please give the following information a quick skim through at the very least as there are a lot of differences between the three groups. The content below will eventually grow to become quite in-depth, so we've broken it down into sections (which can be referenced below) to help you find just the information you're looking for!

1) Design Basics
2) Colors & Mutations
3) Types, Abilities, & Movesets
4) Variants & Subtypes
5) Rarity Quick Guide

Please be patient with us regarding any unclear/missing information for the time being. However, if you notice any discrepancies or conflicts in the information below, don't hesitate to let us know! And if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. We want everything to be as clear and concise as possible.

Please note while this guide is targeted specifically at design guidelines for Glowchus, the information is applicable to Non-Glowchus as well - minus the Glowchu specific information, of course!


Design Basics

For the sake of this journal entry, we're not going to get too in depth into what Glowchus are/how they originated/their story, etc. We're going to be focusing primarily on design and traits and those kinds of things! But, in a nutshell, Glowchus are "genetically engineered members of the 'chu line with markings that glow when certain conditions are met." They can come in all kinds of different shapes, sizes, colors, etc, but they ARE Pokemon and in general, their features, body style, and so on reflect that of their original species, whether it be Pichu, Pikachu, or Raichu (or Alolan Raichu). We have an example of a traditional Glowchu at all 3 stages (in addition to the alternative Alolan variant for Raichu) with a few design guidelines and pointers in respects to all its design aspects illustrated below.


As you can see in the example above, Glowchus may seem complex at first glance, but are really very simple and easy to design! Their fur typically comes in varying shades of yellows (or more orangey/brown colors in the case of Raichu) with black tipped ears, arms and tails. The black tips of a Glowchu's limbs are outlined by the Glowchu's specific glow color. For the sake of this example, we went rather bland on the markings, but generally speaking, markings can be as simple or complex as you want and they typically reflect the Glowchu's type in both design and color. So, for example, if you have a water Glowchu, it's markings may reflect waves, bubbles, fish, etc. in design and possibly blues, sea greens, and so on in color. A fire Glowchu, on the other hand, may have markings that reflect flames or magma that are possibly red, orange, yellow, white, or even blue in color. But those are just general guidelines - Glowchu markings can come in whatever color and design you personally find appealing.

Because people seem to have a few problems when it comes to certain aspects of a Glowchu's design, we have outlined a few extra details for you guys to keep in mind when you're designing your characters. You can find these details listed below:

The glowing markings that fringe a Glowchu's black tipped limbs are ALWAYS symmetrical, meaning they should be identical in shape, color, pattern, etc on each appendage.
A Glowchu's eyes are ALWAYS the same color as their glowing markings - there are no exceptions to this rule.
The above fact in mind, it's important to note that a Glowchu's blood, flesh, mouth, and paw pads are also identical in color to it's glowing markings.
Scars, because a Glowchu's flesh is the same color as their markings, are generally a lighter, less saturated shade of their glow color.
A Glowchu's back markings generally present themselves in glowing tripes or other similar shapes, but can also be other patterns, designs, and symbols as well, as long as they're not drastically different from - or in some way tie into - the overall theme of the markings themselves.
The Pichu stage is the only stage where a Glowchu has neither back markings, nor glowing markings on its tail. Both subsequent stages (including the Alolan Raichu variant) do.
Only three types of Glowchus can have slit eyes (Poison, Dragon, and Dark), and with the sole exception of Poison, slit eyes are a requirement for the additional two types. They're not optional.
Two types of Glowchus have wings: Fairy and Flying. Flying types have physical, membrane like wings that extend from under their forearms (similar to the wings you see on Emolga) and are translucent, typically with a black, white, or glow colored hue. Fairy types have intangible wings that they can bring in and out at will. Also it is very important to note that when it comes to Fairy Glowchus, their back markings are representative of their wings, meaning the design of their back markings ALWAYS reflect the design of their wings, without exception. If the back markings are damaged in any way, the wings themselves will likewise be damaged.

Another thing people seem to frequently have problems with is how a Glowchu's glowing markings should look. The thing we always want to make sure people understand when designing their Glowchus is that the glowing marking BORDER the black markings, not the other way around. You can get creative with the way you design your Glowchu's markings, but the following images are examples of what is and isn't acceptable when it comes to their placement in respect to the black markings: