
✧ Prism Dye

✧ Prism Dye (None)

Category: Cosmetics

🛈 This trait can only be applied using an in-game item!


Prism Dye is an application of a color to a character that does not currently exist on their palette or the palette of any of their evolutions.


should not cover large areas!

cannot overlay Glow markings!

Masterlist Examples

green streak in hair

red eye markings*

*Even if the marking being applied is the same color as one of the colors in the gradient of a Luminarian with standard Iridescence, it will not count as Extra Markings and thus must be applied via Dye Kit.

Additional Information

  • Markings applied via Prism Dye should be limited to small streaks (such as in the hair), stripes, spots, star shapes, etc. They should not be used for larger patches or markings that expand over a wide area of the body.
  • This trait is applied using a Dye Kit that can be purchased at the General Store.
    • One Dye Kit can apply different markings of the same color (i.e. pink eyeliner on each eye in addition to a pink star-shaped marking on the forehead), but having multiple colors would require multiple Dye Kits (i.e. having pink eyeliner on each eye and a blue star-shaped marking on the forehead would need 2 Dye Kits). 
  • Prism Dye cannot overlay Glow markings.
    • In the case of using Prism Dye to add “eye shadow” to a character, it is okay if, stylistically, the color slightly overlaps the cheeks on a Glowchu by pure merit of drawing eyes that overlap Glowchu cheeks (such as in the above examples), so long as it is clear they are strictly eye markings and not cheek markings.
Not Obtainable via Voucher No Anomalous Variation Not Subtype Exclusive Applicable to Non-Luminarians
✧ Glamour

✧ Glamour (None)

Category: Cosmetics

By default, characters must present with the pupil shape characterized by their species or type. In most cases, this would mean standard round/circular pupils, but Poison-, Dark-, and Dragon-type Luminarians can have slitted pupils without the use of an item. 

The Glamour trait allows you to pick from a list of shapes to change your character’s pupils! (In the case of ‘chu/'chu clones line, this can apply to cheeks, as well, but each feature requires its own application – i.e. you would need 2 Glamour Kits if you want your Glowchu to have both star-shaped pupils AND cheeks).

The category of shape you can use is determined by the festival season in which you received the kit. To find out what season is applicable, click on the item in your inventory and look at the “Source” info. There’s also a kit that’s available for purchase all year round in the General Shop that can apply generic shapes. Lastly, there will be a chance to obtain a special kit that allows for the use of any listed shape, no matter the season.

Available Shapes



Flower (Basic)

Flower (Daisy)

Flower (Rose)






Starburst* (ex #1)

Starburst* (ex #2)



Ringed* (ex #1)

Ringed* (ex #2)

Swirl (ex #1)

Swirl (ex #2)











Exclamation (ex #1)

Exclamation (ex #2)

Any trait marked with an asterisk (*) has additional notes below:

  • Star: Must be a 5-pointed star!
  • Starburst: Cannot be less than 6 points. Point types can be square or sharp. (Be careful not to confuse with Flower!).
  • Ringed: Can be any number of rings.
  • Slit: Dark-, Dragon-, and Poison-types may have slit pupils by default. If your Pokemon/Luminarian isn’t one of those three types, you must use an Autumn Glamour Kit to get them.
  • Twinkle: Must specifically be a 4-pointed twinkle as to not be confused with Star or Starburst. Can be stylized to be thinner/thicker, sharper/rounder so long as it has 4 distinct points.

Additional Information

  • The above traits are just examples for each shape, but they don’t have to be exactly as pictured. For instance, you can have different flower-like shapes than what’s shown, but they shouldn’t get much more complicated than the “Rose” example. Leaves can be different orientations or stylizations, as well, such as a palm or ivy leaf. 
    • Shapes should still be the same in each eye - you shouldn’t have one eye have a daisy and the other eye have a rose, unless you’re using 2 kits. As long as the shape itself is the exact same in both eyes, you’re free to change the direction in each eye, such as having the same style of arrow pointed in two different directions. 
  • Most shapes can also optionally be “hollow” (as in having a heart outline instead of a solid filled heart) but if something looks too complicated or unrecognizable, we may ask you to edit it.
  • This isn’t necessarily a hard and fast list; if you have a shape in mind that isn’t listed here, ask! We’re open to adding new ones, but just keep in mind that if you submit one and we approve it, we’ll be deciding which category it should fall under, and you will be responsible for obtaining the correct kit. In addition, the shape will then become available to anyone to choose, so please don’t use it unless you’re okay with others using it, too! New shapes will also periodically be added as we think of them.
  • With 1 kit, you can optionally have one “normal” eye and one shaped eye. If you wanted two separate shapes in each eye, however, you would need 2 kits total (1 per shape; by that same logic, having a Pikachu with a different shape in each eye as well as different shapes on each cheek would need 4 total kits).


When would I need 2 separate Glamour Kits?

  • If you want two completely separate shapes in each eye or in each cheek. (Example: one eye having a Star shape and the other eye having a Heart shape.)
  • If you want the same shape in both eyes, but different stylizations. (Example: the Flower shape for both eyes, but one eye looks like a cherry blossom and the other looks like a rose.)
  • If you have a Pikachu or 'chu "clone" (Dedenne, Pawmot, etc) character that you want to have shaped pupils AND shaped cheeks. (Example: a Pikachu with Skull-shaped pupils and X-shaped cheeks.)
    • This still applies even if you want the same shape for both the pupils AND the cheeks. (Example: a Pikachu with Star-shaped eyes AND Star-shaped cheeks will still require 2 Glamour Kits.)

My character has the Glamour trait but I want a different shape. Can I change it?

  • If you want to change the shape of your character’s pupils or cheeks within the same category/season of shape, you will need a Trait Voucher. (Example: changing a Star shape (summer) to a Seashell shape (summer).)
  • If you want to change the shape to a different category, you will need that specific Glamour Kit. (Example: changing from a Star shape (summer) to a Heart shape (spring) will require a Spring Glamour Kit. Changing from a Star shape (summer) to a Triangle shape (generic) will require the generic Glamour Kit that is purchasable in the General Store, OR the equivalent amount of Radiance (xR) attached to the design update.)
  • If you want to change the stylization of the same shape, you may do so as a free edit. (Example: keeping an existing Flower shape but wanting to change it from a Daisy to a Rose.)
Applied Via: Glamour Kit Character Bound: No Craftable: No Market Value: 100 1-icon.png

✧ Solar Emissary (None)

Category: Perks

A perk exclusive to the leader of Sun Clan. It grants unlimited access to all Sun Clan oriented prompts.

When Solari is included in prompt submissions where the participating character is a Sun Clan member, it grants a bonus of +10R

✧ Lunar Ambassador (None)

Category: Perks

A perk exclusive to the leader of Moon Clan. It grants unlimited access to all Moon Clan oriented prompts.

When Mirage is included in prompt submissions where the participating character is a Moon Clan member, it grants a bonus of +10R

✧ Solar Representative (None)

Category: Perks

A perk exclusive to members of Sun Clan.

Grants access to all Sun Clan oriented prompts
+5R per Sun Clan character included in any submissions (does not stack with multiple characters, but does stack with the clan leader bonus)
+10R when the clan leader is included in any submissions

✧ Lunar Representative (None)

Category: Perks

A perk exclusive to members of Moon Clan. It grants unlimited access to all Moon Clan oriented prompts.

✧ Celestial Envoy (None)

Category: Perks

A perk exclusive to the leader of Twilight Clan. It grants unlimited access to all Twilight Clan oriented prompts.

✧ Celestial Representative (None)

Category: Perks

A perk exclusive to members of Twilight Clan. It grants unlimited access to all Twilight Clan oriented prompts.

✧ Ecliptic Harbinger (None)

Category: Perks

A perk exclusive to the leader of Eclipse Clan. It grants unlimited access to all Eclipse Clan oriented prompts.

✧ Ecliptic Representative (None)

Category: Perks

A perk exclusive to members of Eclipse Clan. It grants unlimited access to all Eclipse Clan oriented prompts.

✧ Bonded (None)

Category: Perks

A perk for primordial beasts that adds bonus radiance for event submissions including both the pet and the character it's bonded to at a rate of:

1 per 20% afection
3 per 50% affection
5 per 100% affection

✧ Soulmates (None)

Category: Perks

When two characters with the associated soulmates perks are included in a prompt submission together, a bonus of +10R may be added to the total earned Radiance

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