
✦ Odd-Eyed

✦ Odd-Eyed (Exclusive)

Category: Mutations
Species: Luminarian (Wraith subtype)

This trait is still a WIP! Any information here is subject to change and/or is currently being developed.

🛈 This trait is exclusive to the Wraithian subtype!


While Wraiths can form a nearly perfect disguise of any living creature, there is one attribute they can never fully hide: a small window into the core of their otherworldly, eldritch nature. The Odd-Eyed trait manifests as though part of the character's body is peeling away into complete blackness with a single point of light representing an "eye" floating in the center.


coverage/spread example

should not be segmented!

Masterlist Examples

There are currently no registered characters who accurately portray this trait! Maybe you could be the first...?

Additional Information

  • Formerly, this trait was known as Odd-Eyed and presented as one affected eye being mostly normal, but having black sclera and intricate markings surrounding it. Such a combination is no longer exclusive to Wraiths.
  • It can be placed anywhere on the body and take up to 50% of the character's design. It should be in one "piece" and not separated or segmented ("artifacts" surrounding the edges is fine, so long as they are small and are clearly part of the whole).
  • The size of the patch is directly related to the level of stability a Wraith has over its ability to maintain its form and, by correlation, remain in this realm.
  • The size and location should remain proportionally consistent across all forms the Wraith can take.
  • There can optionally be glitchy, goo-like artifacts that fade off the edges of the patch. For flavor purposes, the amount of such artifacts increase the larger the patch is and the less stable the Wraith becomes.
  • The center "eye" can be any color, but it should not change as this represents the very core of a Wraith's being (unless you're officially changing it via a Trait Voucher).
  • This trait does not have to be visibly shown on the Masterlist entry and can be optionally hidden by hair/fur, body parts, or accessories.
Obtainable via Voucher: Yes (Premium) Anomalous Variation: No Subtype Exclusive: Yes Applicable to Non-Luminarians: N/A
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