
Wraith (Preluminarian Subtype)

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Discovered in the late 2400's by Polaris scientists, the Wraith is a primal creature whose nature and origins still to this day are not fully understood. Despite its classification as a Preluminarian subtype, make no mistake - Wraiths are not Luminarians. They are not even Pokemon. While they may take on the physical appearance of a Luminarian (and in some cases other Pokemon as well) Wraiths, put in the simplest of terms, are monsters. Creatures of unknown scientific - perhaps even alchemic - origins, they are entities of pure darkness without solid form or substance. Undisguised, they take the shape of grizzley shadow monsters, contorted and mutated beyond all similarities to any living creature. Wraiths, however, possess the unique ability to physically manifest and alter their appearance at will, allowing them to blend in effortlessly among Pokemon society.

The defining characteristic of a Wraith is what has come to be known as an Eldritch Eye. Every Wraith has one - if they're lucky, it's somewhere obscure that can be easily hidden [like behind a lock of hair or under an article of clothing]. This monsterous trait appears as a distorted void on the creature's body, within the depths of which a single functioning iris can be seen. This distortion spreads slowly across a wraith's body the more unstable it becomes [from either injury or insanity] until it is eventually consumed by the void and disappears entirely. When this happens, because Wraiths cannot die, the Wraith effectively enters into a state of hibernation where it can spend several years resting and regenerating until it is powerful enough to manifest in the world once again.



Additional Information

  • An unusual amalgamation of every single elemental attribute, Wraiths present exclusively with a singular, unknown type. Most creatures refer to this type as “Curse” or “Unknown” - it has no advantages over any specific type but similarly comes with no disadvantages either.
  • When it comes to move use, Wraiths can replicate the usage and effect of any Pokemon move they have seen or experienced for themselves. These moves will not retain their elemental attributes, but will have similar (if not the same) results.
  • The defining characteristic of a Wraith is that they always have one normal eye and one eye with black sclera, typically presenting with unusual surrounding markings on the odd eye. Wraiths will generally keep their odd eye obscured for this reason.
  • While they may be able to take the form of any creature they desire, the features of said form are static and cannot be changed. For example, if when taking the form of a Glowchu, their fur is pallid with blue markings and dragon horns, they will maintain that appearance in any other form they take. If they one day decide they’d rather be a Charmander, they will be a charmander with pallid skin, blue accents, and dragon horns.
  • Wraiths are immortal and cannot be killed by any known means. While they can be injured and even physically destroyed, they will re-manifest back into the world once they have recovered sufficiently.
  • They do not bleed when injured. Instead, the surface of a Wraith’s body will crack and break away, revealing a deep, inky void within.
  • They cannot reproduce through traditional means, although new Wraiths may sometimes manifest from the ectoplasmic byproducts that other Wraiths naturally produce and leave behind.
    • This is how most Wraiths are born, hence why they're classified as a Preluminarian subtype.
Obtainable via Voucher No Anomalous Variation Subtype Exclusive Not Applicable to Non-Luminarians
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