
Standard (Luminarian Subtype)


A member of the Standard variant category is a quintessential example of what defines the race. A Standard Luminarian presents with the basic characteristics consistent with Luminarians and have no unique biological attributes.


Masterlist Examples

having several traits/mutations

baby boy. baby

Standard Luminarian Lycanroc

Additional Information

  • In layman’s terms, a Glowchu of completely average note with no subtype-defining characteristics would be considered Standard.
  • The Standard delimination on a character's Masterlist entry is in reference to the "Subtype" category; so, Standard means they have no subtype. The "Species" category refers to whether or not a character is a Preluminarian, Luminarian, Half-Luminarian, or Non-Luminarian (aka, an ordinary Pokemon) - NOT the actual Pokemon species the character is. 
  • Size, color, and marking mutations do not count towards whether or not an individual exceeds Standard and becomes a subtype; subtypes are strictly defined by their unique mutations (i.e. a Dire-sized Glowchu with Other coloration and Iridescence could still be considered a Standard Luminarian).
Obtainable via Voucher Not Subtype Exclusive Not Applicable to Non-Luminarians
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