
✦ Tri (Rare)

Category: Type


Luminarians that are Tri-typed have three unique typings. Examples: Fire/Ghost/Steel, Water/Electric/Water, Dragon/Psychic/Flying. 

Additional Information

  • While 2 of the 3 required types can be the same, i.e. Ghost/Ghost/Dragon, all three types cannot be the same, such as Ghost/Ghost/Ghost - this would classify as Triple Tri.
  • Tri-typed Luminarians have heightened defenses - they are resistent to all types of damage, unless all three types share a common weakness. For example,  a Ground/Rock/Fire Luminarian would suffer a severe (6x) weakness to Water-type moves.
  • In the past, it was a requirement that Tri-types have some kind of physical or mental disability, but that is no longer a restriction of this trait.
✦ Leucistic

✦ Leucistic (Rare)

Category: Color

🛈 This trait applies to both fur color AND Luminarian Glow color.

Formerly known as “albino,” Leucistic is a term for a Pokemon whose coloration is much, much lighter in color than what is traditional. Glow markings on a Luminarian should not rise above (x% still figuring out sdfjsdf) saturation, and any other color present must be much lighter than usual (i.e. blacks would become light grays).



While the fur color and Glowchu “black” markings are light enough in the above example to be considered Leucistic, the glow color is too saturated. This would be classified as Other.

Because there are so many different species of Pokemon with all different combinations of colors, there isn’t currently a tangible guideline as to each specific coloration in the ARPG. Refer to masterlist entries (by clicking the magnifying glass icon next to the trait name) and listed examples for a basic idea of what is and isn’t acceptable, and always feel free to ask either in the discord or through a design update if you want to check what category your concept falls into if you’re unsure!

Obtainable via Voucher: Yes (Rare) Anomalous Variation: No Subtype Exclusive: No Applicable to Non-Luminarians: Yes
✦ Melanistic

✦ Melanistic (Rare)

Category: Color

✦ Horns (Rare)

Category: Mutations

✦ Scales (Rare)

Category: Mutations
✦ Polarization

✦ Polarization (Rare)

Category: Mutations

🛈 This trait ONLY applies to Luminarian Glow color, not fur color.


Polarization results in a Luminarian’s Glow color presenting as two distinct colors split evenly down the body, i.e. the left side of their body has blue glow markings and the right side has green glow markings.


Masterlist Examples

There are currently no registered characters who embody this trait! Maybe you could be the first...?

Additional Information

  • This trait is ONLY applicable to Dual-Types, as Luminarians have one Glow color per type gene present.
  • This trait cannot stack with Irridescence.
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