
✦ Pure (Uncommon)

Category: Type


Luminarians that are Pure-typed have a single typing, such as Pure Fire or Pure Ghost.

✦ Dual (Uncommon)

Category: Type


Luminarians that are Dual-typed have two identical typings. Examples: Fire/Fire, Ghost/Ghost, Dragon/Dragon.

✦ Vanilla

✦ Vanilla (Uncommon)

Category: Color

🛈 This trait DOES NOT apply to Luminarian Glow color.


The black markings traditionally present on Glowchus are white.




Masterlist Examples

on an Alolan Raichu

presenting alongside Leucistic

Additional Information

  • Not all non-chu Luminarians require the classic "black markings." They must be present on the chu line (Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu), but any other species of Pokemon doesn't need them and thus the traits applicable to these "black markings" do not apply to them.
  • The markings should be as close to white as possible and should not be light gray or have any colored tint. 
  • Glowchus who are Alolan Raichu have this trait by default, but it is not required for them.
Obtainable via Voucher: Yes (Uncommon) Anomalous Variation: No Subtype Exclusive: No Applicable to Non-Luminarians: No
✦ Chocolate

✦ Chocolate (Uncommon)

Category: Color

🛈 This trait DOES NOT apply to Luminarian Glow color.


The black markings traditionally present on Glowchus are a shade of brown.




Masterlist Examples

Additional Information

  • Not all non-chu Luminarians require the classic "black markings." They must be present on the chu line (Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu), but any other species of Pokemon doesn't need them and thus the traits applicable to these "black markings" do not apply to them.
Obtainable via Voucher (Uncommon) Not Subtype Exclusive Not Applicable to Non-Luminarians
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