Profile G2-0113: Astrid

Owned by adgerelli

"Create the life you want for yourself."

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◊ 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞: Astrid
◊𝐀𝐠𝐞: 11.23.3389 || 102
◊ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: Female
◊ 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲: Bisexual
◊ 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫: #EBD82B

( + ) Cordial
( = ) Detail-Oriented
( – ) Neglectful



Ever since she was a little girl, Astrid was fascinated by outer space. Whenever she could, she buried her face in books about stars, the planets, and navigation. She grew into an extremely bright and self-sufficient child. Her parents, however, were concerned with her preference of reading over making friends, and they sent her away to a boarding school in Prosperia in hopes the forced social interaction would shift her priorities. All this did was strengthen her isolation out of spite, and the only friends she made were the teachers who she felt had something to offer to her. 

Unfortunately for her, she was set up with a boy named Timber as her primary lab partner - his long drawling accent and borderline illiteracy was painful to sit through, and no matter how much she begged to switch partners, she was stuck with him. So, she told him straight - he was not goingto weigh her down, and she'd be doing both of their work and give him credit. He was okay with this, it was an easy A. Over the year they were both happy with this arrangement; occasionally Timber would sit with her and watch her work, and she would attempt to ignore him. Then, he'd start asking questions, annoyingly so. Then, he wanted to help...annoyingly so. Her snarky - and sometimes ableist - responses targeting his lack of intelligence began to bother him, and he wanted to show her that he could be more than his shortcomings.

As they spent more time together, Astrid understood her narcissism and prejudice was taking over her personality to an unhealthy degree, and Timber helped her navigate through changes to better herself. She in turn helped teach him how to read, and grew into a more compassionate person. She even started talking to others and making more friends. 

[pending possibility in #questions]

WIP. After graduating they return to Timbers hometown (local to Prosperia) and he tries telling his parents he wants to pursure studying more - it doesn't bode well bc they want him to continue the family's construction work. Because theyre distracted and angry when working there was an accident that leaves Timber and [TBN Gurdurr mom] fatally wounded. Mom probably dies, Timber is on the brink of death but Astrid invests all her money into saving his life and drains her account keeping him in an expensive stasis unit for years and years til he recovers. When he gets out a lot of time passed but she stayed the same - young and beautiful - due to her ghost typing while others around him have visibly aged and even passed on. They need to start from the ground up and stay in Timbers hometown to continue working in construction. She settles with him. 

They have Venom, but by the time they start a family Astrid struggles with disconnect. She spent so many years with her life revolving around getting Timber back and they're together now and happy but she doesn't have any emotional attachment to their son. Timber has to work long hours just to put food on the table, and Venom grows at a rapid rate to where Astrid as a dwarf can't handle him. They have Vexen in hopes of making that more manageable. Their struggles continue as now they have another mouth to feed that wasn't considered. A few years later, Veselin was an unplanned pregnancy and tips them over the edge financially. 

Timber never retired - he worked until he died, killed in a construction accident like his mother. When Vexen and Veselin left, Astrid had already shut down. Getting kicked out of their home due to eviction and Venom's rampaging felt like the end of her life. She stayed with her son because she had nowhere else to go. Most days, he didn't acknowledge her existence. When Jacqueline came into the picture, something changed in Astrid. For the first time, she saw an out - and an inkling of a desire for freedom. She left, and after so many years of looking down, she looked up and was reminded of the beauty of the stars above her.

「𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬」

* Her voice claim is ---
* Her hair is naturally silky and soft, due to her father being a Minccino.

Immediate Family






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