G2-0080: Virus

Owned by Cryptid
"Reality check, asshole! why are you taking on someone stronger than you."


Name: "Virus" 
Age: 21 [MS] / ?? [PS] || January 1st, 3529
Gender: Male
Height: 3'10"
Type: Ghost/Ghost/Dark
Ability: Pressure/Defiant/Moxie
Nature: Hardy (=/=)
Characteristic: Likes to thrash about

Level: 1
► HP:  ▬▬▬
► Atk:
► Def:
► SpA:
► SpD:
► Spd: 

Shadow Force: The user disappears on the first turn, then attacks on the next turn. This move hits even if the target protects itself.
Infernal Parade: The user attacks with myriad fireballs. This may also leave the target with a burn. This move's power is doubled if the target has a status condition.
Bitter Malice: The user attacks the target with spine-chilling resentment. This also lowers the target's Attack stat.
Taunt: The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for three turns.


( + ) Observant | Clever | Eloquent
( = ) Stubborn | Moralistic | Aloof
( – ) Resentful | Irritable | Argumentative

    Born to be part of the Orsini family, a union of Poppet and Enoch to make each other grow stronger and make a foundation that'll shake the world. They were known, and highly respected family of assassins. Their first son, Vincente Orsini, was their prized child.  Mainly due to the platinum gem upon his neck and its importance, so they poured everything into him at a young age. Teaching him their skills, how to fight- kill, their knowledge, and how to act proper. The way he was raised, in a way, he was seen as a noble. He was the son of the Orsinis, their blessed child.  This lasted for ten years until an old 'friend' came knocking. 

    In one single night, Vincente lost his family. His mother, his father, and especially his brother and sister who were only three years old at the time. He didn't exactly understand why it happened, but he would later find out that the treason the family seemingly caused. The Ministry, a group of fanatics came and torn down his family. Luckily at the time Vincente wasn't home, but he did come back at the end of it when two of the Ministry's cardinals were cleaning up. In his rage, he faught the one that held the title 'Wheel of Fortune', and got badly injured. Upon his face and arm, he was mauled and would surely scar later. Yet, due to the latent spirit he held, the blind Cardinal didn't kill him. Instead, with the other Cardinal that held the title 'The Fool', ended up sparring him- or maybe death would've been better.

    The two took him, brought him to the Ministry, and Ezekiel- Wheel of Fortune- took care of him. Raised him, forced justice upon him, and turned him into a dog- a weapon for the ministry. Despite trying to be kind to the citizens of the City that surronded the Ministry, he still earned a title from other cities and towns; the Harbinger of Destruction. 
    Tales would tell of a blood soaked beast that would only appear with black fire and a bloodied moon, and if anyone dared speak against the teachings of his lord, would face only death and destruction. 

    For eleven years, Vincente- No- Nephilim was one of the Ministry's dogs. It wasn't until he heard Ezekiel and Judas talking in hushed tones about him- about him being a herald, something forbidden and how the Heriophant made the order to massacre his family- that he finally snapped. Either way he was going to be used, either in this... Cult, or by the two who wanted to be their weapon. So he ran, and called for a meeting with the Ministry's Heriophant; Azariel. The intention being self destructive, he went after the snake.  Yet, all intentions of killing him went down the drain when in his rage, he cut an arm off of a fellow missionary that protected Azariel. Yet, the snake didn't leave that unmarked.

    That's when Nephilim fled the city, escaping the cult that held him for eleven years. That's when he changed his name to Virus, and upon hearing the whisperings of a prophecy that was banned from being talked about, he went in search of those related to it. To maybe make an alliance, and to figure out what exactly it means by having the gem upon his neck and the title given to him by birth. 

☾ The scar on his lip was obtained during his childhood, he got into a street brawl with other kids, and got knocked in the face with a sharp rock. 
☾ Due to his duel ghost typing, Virus tends to have some trouble controlling his ghost abilities. At times, some could probably see him trip and this is due to him messing up his phasing. This also happens with his invisibility where he'll flicker at times.  Although, in battle he's highly adept with them since he's acting all on instinct and he doesn't over think.
☾ He has an extreme soft spot for children, this is due to him losing his young siblings early on and so he tends to be protective when it comes to younger folk. He's a great babysitter. 
☾ Virus can sometimes be rather scrappy, or childish. He never really got to be a kid, and so now that he isn't being forced to keep up an appearance, he will tend to joke around or play pranks. If he's extremely comfortable with someone, he will jokingly insult them knowing it wouldn't hurt their feelings. 
☾ The bell he wears upon his cloak is something he obtained from  his mother; Poppet. Apparently it's a tradition in her family. 
☾ Due to his ears being so large, he has great hearing- however whistling causes him headaches and will drive him nuts. 
☾ The Pressure ability he has is fully emotional; it'll proc whenever he has strong emotions and those in the radius of it will feel the air around them change and get a weight to them. To those who are emotionally sensitive or ghost/psychic types, they would feel the emotions that Virus is letting out. 
☾ Due to his upbringing within the ministry; he has an active dislike for authority now. He, if he could get away with it, will actively break laws within some cities. 
☾ Has a sweet tooth, also somewhat of a garbage disposal.
☾ His voiceclaim is Kaiji Tang
☾ His theme is Invincible
☾ His Battle theme is Holy Orders ~ Be Just or Be Dead ~


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