[G2-001S] [G2-001] PROLOGUE: DAWN OF A NEW DAY (SUN) - Virus

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Run. Run, don’t look back. Keep running until you can’t, then pray. Pray that they won’t find you. 

Those words ran through Virus’s mind on repeat, chanted to him like a montra. It kept his paws moving; over cold stone, or scorching sands. Rarely did he stop to rest, only once or twice sneaking into unknowing caravans to let them pull him somewhere. Even then, despite his body and mind begging for sleep, he only let himself doze. Keeping himself awake on the chance anyone would find him.

They didn’t, no one ever did, even when he stowed away upon a ship. Wimpods and rattatas kept him company as the ship rocked him back and forth, lulling him asleep until something loud would startle him awake. Time blurred for Virus during that, he couldn’t tell if days or weeks passed. He got by on scraps, and whatever he could find, it wasn’t enough.

When he finally stumbled off the next time it hit port, the sun blinded him more so than it usually did. But, he didn’t stop going. He stole whatever he could from that port town he landed at- the perks of being a ghost type- and continued on. Stumbling over hot sand, not exactly realizing he landed within Terraria. A place he held vague memories of, only from his parents telling him about it. Virus, in his very essence, wasn’t prepared. The heat, the sun, the sand, everything made him dizzy. He didn’t have enough water, and his coat that he loved didn’t help with his blistering situation.

Eventually, Virus lost track of the distance he made as he stumbled along. Coming close to face planting in the sand a few times, especially as he walked up dunes.  Then tumble down them like a ragdoll, laying face first in the sand as his black cloak soaked in the heat, cooking him under it.  

Miserable. Pitiful. He must have looked like a fantastic meal to any passing primordial beast, yet with each time he fell, he would let out the anger burning within him, a thick pressure that would scare off the smart ones. The fact he kept that up, tired him out even more. On top of feeling exhausted, he was also dehydrated and starving. He barely had any energy to keep going, yet, he pushed himself up and stumbled to keep going. 

Stubbornness, his father would tell him. Resolve, his mother would correct. Always pleased that her son pushed himself to go further, be better. The thought of them made the pressure around him thicken, as he glared into the distance then at the mandibuzz that perched a slight distance away from him for some time now. That. Made the bird fly off finally, fleeing as if it saw a demon behind those exhausted, but firm eyes.

“I.” Virus hissed out to no one, forcing himself through blistering hot sand, “Refuse to die here.” 

Finally, he thought as the sun started to set. The red it cast over the dunes, making it slightly easier on his poor eyes. Making the heat slightly more bearable now. Yet, he knew things would get worse once it went down. He could handle the cold, he grew up in the cold. However, with how exhausted he was, and how open the dunes were, he knew it would be easy for the nocturnal beasts to pick him off. 

He could dig himself a hole, make himself his own grave instead of being eaten and picked apart by some lowly beast or- 

All thoughts stopped as he noticed tents in the distance. He squinted, not able to make out signs of life from them, but it could either be bandits or a caravan. A split chance, and to hell with it.  He would die either way, so might as well try the coin flip. 

Virus forced himself along, the long day of traveling finally getting to him as he got closer to the camp. His head started to swim violently now, causing him to stumble to a stop as he pressed his forehead into his paws. He grunted out a growl, and forced himself to look up, to ignore the sickness swelling into his chest now. 

Go. Keep. Going.

The dire raichu finally fell as he reached the edge of the camp. A thud against the soft sand, and darkness finally taking hold of him. Vaguely hearing voices as it dragged him away, not registering them nor the way he was lifted up into someone’s arms. 

“We need to tell him,” a hushed voice stressed. 

“EH?! But-” a younger voice, feminine, peppy. 


“Okay, ‘kay. But- what if-”

“Ceci, he isn’t that heartless. Especially when it comes to someone who just collapsed!”

“Oohhh, you’re right. He isn’t going to be happy about it though, he’s going to be a krabby again for hours.


Virus groaned and both of the young ladies shut their mouths. Somewhat startled at the sudden sound and movement, they both watched as Virus rubbed his scar with his palm. Forcing himself up before finally opening his eyes to look around. His eyes adjusted quickly this time, being in a familiar dimness than the bright one before. 

“OH!!!!! THIS IS GREAT- Juju!!” 

Virus flinched at the squeal the young lady made, and finally looked over to see a mousey looking pikachu. The first thing he noticed were the ribbons in her hair, then her bright smile as he shook the taller one who seemed all too used to it– oh. Ceci, the younger one, probably went by Ceci.

“SHH!!!” The taller one- juju? Finally hushed her, “you’re too loud! He just woke up, you can’t exactly rush him to be better, and he’s probably startled-”

“Actually, I’m rather relieved.” Virus finally spoke up, his voice hoarse from sleep. 

The other two stopped to stare at him, like two children caught doing something they weren’t supposed to. It almost made him chuckle, almost. “I was expecting bandits, not a peppy youngster and a big sister type.”


“Big sister-”

Ceci and Justice looked at each other for a moment upon hearing that, then started to laugh. Virus let out a breath through his nose as he visibly started to relax. Waiting for them to stop before asking any questions, however when it eventually did, he was the one who was bombarded.

“So! Who are you?” Justice pointed at him, with Ceci nodding vigorously behind her with a big smile. 

“Where’d ya come from?” She suddenly asked, her eyes sparkling. “You’re so huge! And fluffy!”

Immediately, Virus’ brows shot into his hairline. His fur starting to rise as slight agitation shot up his spine at the question of ‘where,’ the air in the tent got noticeably heavy as he tried to calm himself. Thinking of a lie- something. But he also didn’t exactly know where he was either. He could be either on arachia or terraria due to the landscape, if he had to guess, it probably was terraria but he wasn’t sure.

With a hand raised, the two went quiet. “One question at a time, firstly; I’ve gone by many names, but just call me Virus.”

“Vee-” Ceci started, then hushed when Justice pushed her shoulder slightly.

“Second; Eternia.” Virus finished, not exactly a lie but not the full truth either. “Now, can I ask where I am?”

The other two glanced at each other, worried upon their faces for a split second. Then Justice spoke up; “Terraria… Near what used to be Sanctuary Springs.”

“Kinda weird you don’t know where you’re at, Vivi.” Ceci piped up, and Virus tried not to snort at the sudden nickname. 

“I don’t travel often, especially to a desert. Not exactly suited for it.” Another partial lie, he’s been here multiple times due to the Ministry but he refused to divulge anything about that.

“So terraria, huh…” He muttered to himself, pushing his bangs out of his face. He didn’t exactly notice the stare he got from Justice, but he went to get up.

Ceci immediately moved forward to attempt to help, but Virus simply put a hand up. Quietly thanking her anyways despite not wanting the help, he stretched his back out and cracked his neck.

“Thank you for helping me, you both have my gratitude.” Virus bowed slightly, “would you both mind if I stayed for a bit? Just to gain my strength, I’ll be on my way shortly.”

“Well-” Justice started, looking down slightly before Ceci jumped up, both of her paws in the air and sparkles in her eyes.

“We don’t mind! We could use the help-” but before she could fully finish Justice tugged on her ear, making the younger one whine slightly.

“We don’t get to have that say,” Justice scolded, “Solari does and-”

“Then take me to whoever this Solari is,” Virus cut in. “I would like to thank him as well.”


“OIIIIII, SULLYYYYYY!” Ceci called out as her and Virus walked into the main tent of the encampment. 

Justice had gone to help a studious looking pikachu help wrangle an apparently little gremlin named Madison, which made Virus snort.  Part of him hoped he would get to meet the little buzzball later.

As they walked, Ceci would tug on Virus’ cape for him to lean down, pointing out a few of the others that lingered around them.

Most noticable; the wolfish one. Ceci had given him the nickname ‘Fenfen’, which apparently the cutesy nicknames were a thing and the one given to him was evident that it would stick.

When Solari finally looked up, a grimace upon his face from his nickname, Virus noted he probably also hated it. How funny.

Yet, with all eyes on him, he couldn’t help bit shift under the heavy gazes. Unwelcomed, that’s how it felt. Especially from the two in front. 

With how the wolfish one looked at him, he probably knew. Probably could smell the blood- although washed away many times now yet still stained his hands permanently. The thought of being found out so quickly made Virus slightly uneasy, until the wolf wrinkled his nose in annoyance and looked towards Solari, waiting for him to speak up.

Finally, Solari’s annoyed gaze shifted away from Ceci, and upon meeting Virus’ eyes the expression quickly changed to disdain.  It caused the fur on Virus’ back to slightly fluff up, the nasty little voice in the back of his head whispered it was a challenge. 

A challenge to show that he wouldn’t kneel even if demanded. Even if this was a leader of an apparent group, he wouldn’t listen to shit.

Challenge him. Now.

He ignored it, but the irritation that Virus felt from being edged by his own thoughts caused a pressure to leak into the room. To make his shadow extend behind him, and immediately put Fenrir on guard.

“So? Who the hell is this?” Solari finally spoke up, either ignoring the heaviness in the air or simply didn’t feel it.

Don’t answer. Don’t bow, fuck with him. Show him you're a greater force than he is.

The pressure increased, and immediately Fenrir was at Virus’ throat. Yet the larger, but just slightly due to mass and horns didn’t flinch. Even with claws at his neck.

“Answer.” Fenrir growled, yet Virus didn’t say shit. Only glared into the eyes of the wolf, another challenge.

To the side of him, Ceci panicked slightly, looking back and forth between the two. Obviously she also felt the pressure, and so did Justice apparently because she entered the tent as well. Her guard up just like the dog in front of him.

The only time Virus moved was when he felt the choker around his neck slip. He didn’t even notice the wolf’s claws cause a tear in the weak fabric. 

Immediately he pressed his hand to his own throat. Feeling the chain of catalysts around his neck, a metaphorical shackle that bound him to some destiny that his fathers- jailers. Wanted him to desperately follow. 

With his other hand, he calmly moved Fenrir’s claws away. Then put his hands up, showing his catalysts. 

A silence fell in the tent, and yet Virus stood, still unwavering, still keeping the pressure around him up even if accidental. 

“Virus.” He finally spoke up, forcefully ignoring his pedigree, how he was raised. Right now he needs to lower himself, even if slightly. He needed a place to stay, to get his full strength back then he could continue onwards, to find allies. To find him.

He heard murmurs happen around the tent, and he noticed how Ceci pressed a paw to the back of her neck, how Justice pressed her hand against the bandaged one for a second. 

Fenrir finally moved away when Virus gave his name, but constantly kept an eye on him. It caused the pressure to decrease gradually, and his shadow to compose itself. 

Yet, the nagging voice didn’t let up. Called him a coward, a disgrace.

He ignored it.

“And? Why the hell are you here?” Solari spoke again, his gaze tightening.

That’s when Virus felt Justice’s presence move to his side, then forward to meet with the young prince. She also watched him warily, and the way she did made Virus know that she felt what he leaked into the air was a symbol of a challenge, because that’s what he heavily felt, and wanted others to feel as well apparently.

“We found him on the outskirts of the camp, passed out from heat exhaustion.” Justice spoke up, glancing at Ceci who nodded her approval that yes, it did happen. 

At that, Virus slowly lowered his paws. But first he attempted to tie the choker back around his neck. Like hell he was going to walk around with those damn things on display.

Slowly, the pressure around them faded all together.

“I…” Virus paused as he glanced over at the others in the room, “simply wanted to thank you for the hospitality that your ladies have shown me. Without them dragging me here, I would’ve been dead.”

Solari sighed as a response, muttering about what idiot goes and passes out in a desert. 

“No clue why you’re thanking me, Justice and Ceci were the ones who helped you the most.” Solari waved it off, and that’s when Virus paused fully.

“Oh.” He breathed out, “thank arceus she actually has a proper name. I was worried that Juju was her actual one.”

A silence fell immediately after that, most who loitered around look dumbstruck at what the massive raichu mentioned. Immediately, like a flip being switched, laughter filled the tent. Many laughed at how ridiculous this all seemed, and the tension slowly slipped away, forgotten about fully.

“You need to introduce others better,” Virus looked down and muttered towards the petite ‘chu. 

Obviously he was somewhat embarrassed, but not so much as Justice who was getting laughed at by Solari. Who in turn was about to get punched.

“I’m guessing, ‘Fenfen’ isn’t his name either, huh?” Virus mused, pointing towards the wolf. Who quickly looked away, crossing his arms as if he didn’t want to fully answer right away.

“Sorta,” Ceci piped up through her giggles. “It’s part of his name! He goes by–”

“Fenrir.” He spoke up, then simply left it at that.

Everyone- even Fen flinched as a loud smack filled the space between them. When Virus looked up, he noticed Solari nursing a new lump on his head and Justice with her arms crossed glaring at him, then a huff.

“You’re more beast than women,” Solari grumbled at Justice, who only stuck out her tongue at him. 

Somewhat reminded Virus of how he acted towards some of his fellow missionaries. Which made him smile a bit sadly, the ones he left behind… He hoped they were okay. Hoped that his stunt didn’t have them pawned off to the damn snake.

Solari stalked closer to him, eyeing him, trying to look down on them despite their massive height difference. 

‘Pipsqueak, princeling,’ Virus immediately thought. Immediately wanting to mess with him and tease him just for that. Knowing it’d probably piss the smaller one off, just with how he held himself.

“So are you,” Solari pointed at him and Virus immediately felt annoyance bubble up as he stood in front. “Going to stay, and be more of a pain in my ass like some of these freeloaders or are you just gonna move on when the chance is given?”

“I’ll stay, help for a bit.” Virus replied easily, leaning back on his heels as he looked down upon the prince. “However, I gotta continue onward, looking for some child of prophecy.”

Virus rolled his eyes, but when they landed back on Solari, he noticed some acknowledgement to the title and he paused, realizing now.

“No way-” Virus breathed out, immediately Ceci pulled on his cloak and as a muscle reflex now, leaned down.

“That’s him, yep!” She loudly whispered to him.

Really?” A hiss from Virus, then he looked over the young prince. “Like. You sure? He’s smaller than I expected.” 

That made Fen snort, same with Ceci who giggled. 

“Leave it alone about my size you dumbass,” Solari grumbled. “I’ll kick your oversized ass.”

Now that made Virus burst out laughing, “yeah sure.”

“Lets see how far you’ll get with that one, pipsqueak. What? You going to climb me like a tree?” 

Solari only glared at that, letting out a ‘tch’ before turning and walking back to his original position.

“Whatever, do whatever the hell you want. Just stay out of my way, I don’t babysit.” Solari grumbled, a glare thrown over his shoulder at the other herald.

“‘Kayyy,” Virus hummed. “Oh, and by the way. I don’t mind helping around, oh small one. Since I’ll be sticking around for some time.” 

Virus turned to exit, to go back to the tent he found himself in. He raised a paw as he left, a lazy wave.

“Also if you need anything from me, jus’ send word.”

[G2-001S] [G2-001] PROLOGUE: DAWN OF A NEW DAY (SUN) - Virus
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In Generation II ・ By Cryptid
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Submitted By Cryptid for [G2-001] Prologue: Dawn of a New Day (Sun)View Favorites
Submitted: 7 months agoLast Updated: 7 months ago

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