Profile G2-0019: Jamie

Owned by ZenTheNerd



◊ 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞: Jamie
◊ 𝐀𝐠𝐞: 17 || March 20th, 3534
◊ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: Male


A kind but frightfully skittish glowchu. Jamie’s timid personality often keeps him from comfortably opening up to others, but he always tries his best to treat others with care and respect. He prefers to keep to the background, supporting his friends and loved ones rather than taking the stage himself. He can’t stand the thought of others being hurt, but rather than express this desire by fighting Jamie devotes himself to learning medical care and healing moves to keep others healthy and happy.


Born and raised in Icka for the first eleven years of his life, cared for by his lucario father and glowchu mother. Despite his mother’s struggles with mental disorders caused by her tri-typing, the three were a happy family up until the primordial beasts attacked. After narrowly escaping from the jaws of a beast, coming out of the encounter with his scars, Jamie was caught in a raging river and swept far away from his home. 

Injured, traumatized, and separated from everything he’d ever known, Jamie’s only solace was discovering Molly, the queen of Icka, had also been caught up in the flood and carried away into the unknown. The two would decide to stick together for the following years, with Jamie coming to see Molly not as the awe-inspiring ruler of Icka, but as a kind, loving, and motherly glowchu that has guided him through traumatizing times. The duo would eventually cross paths with the traveling Sun Clan, and ultimately join their ranks.

「𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬」

* Though both of his arms were scarred in the attack, Jamie's right arm is particularly damaged due to being pierced through by a beast's tooth. Due to the kind of injury and a lack of proper medical care while it healed, that arm now has an array of issues: prone to tremors, unable to exert a lot of force or carry heavy objects, and fine motor control issues. Additionally, the muscles of his wrist and hand will sometimes seize up, leaving him unable to use that hand for a period of time (Maravilla has learned how to help relax his muscles a bit when they lock up using her type-gifted powers).
* Can and will call Molly ‘mom’- sometimes on accident, sometimes on purpose
* Jamie has yet to actually manifest and use his fairy wings- largely because he’s psyched himself out about it and can’t seem to convince himself that they’ll come out for him if he tries

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