ZenTheNerd ZenTheNerd

11 August 2023 (10 months ago)
Zen | Any/All | 4/26 | Local rat collector and certified color gremlin

Howdy there! Welcome to my glowchu vault. My brain refuses to stop deliving me new character concepts and I'm weak for having fun playing rodents with my friends, so feel free to reach out for dev or other gc stuff, but do it at your own risk lmao. I also like to help out and 'chu facts stick to my brain like glue so if you have questions but are too nervous to reach out to an admin I'm happy to do my best to answer em!

╚══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╝

135 Radiance
1 Star Tokens
0 Reward Pass
Novelty Egg
Uncommon Egg
Rare Egg
Rare Egg

Characters / Generation I / Generation II / Companions

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