Profile G1-0134: Mercy

Owned by ZenTheNerd


[Full Profile]

Name: Mercy

DoB [Story Age]: after 2555

Gender ID [Pr/Ns]: Cis Female [She/Her]


「Type and Stats」

✧Typing: Water/Dragon

✧Ability(s): Torrent/Inner Focus


Natural: Spark | Thunderbolt | Quick Attack | Nasty Plot

Special: Helping Hand | Swift

Type Attribute: Razor Shell | Flip Turn | Dragon Dance | Dragon Claw



✧Personality Overview: A good-natured and upbeat girl who’s determined to do right by her family. Loves to have fun, but also takes her perceived responsibility to protect her siblings seriously. Though she’s not fully aware of why her appearance can unnerve Ji’s side of the family, Mercy uses this as motivation to always push herself to be the best she can be, in order to make them proud.


✧Immediate Family:

Parents: Ji & Finley

Siblings: Slasher, Malo, Nibbles, Jewel

{For an extended family tree, see full profile linked above}

✧Short History: The second of Ji and Finley’s children, and their first born daughter. 

✧Fun Facts:

  • Has a unique bond with her big brother Slasher, as the two bear striking resemblance to now-deceased members of Ji’s family, and can struggle with the expectations from this
  • Like all of Finley’s kids, Mercy wears a specific seashell on her person at all times- hers is a pale scallop shell, with a unique purple hue reminiscent of Ji’s coloration.
  • One of, if not the most, socially adept of her siblings, and often takes charge to bridge social gaps between others and her family
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