Profile G1-0086: Phineas

Owned by ZenTheNerd



◊ 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞: Phineas (Phin)
◊ 𝐀𝐠𝐞:  23 || Aug. 3rd, 2533
◊ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: Male


An easygoing daydreamer that loves spinning fantastical stories. Soft spoken, but friendly and enjoys bringing others into his fantasies. A general sweetheart that’s slow to anger and doesn’t hold grudges. Phin dislikes seeing others get left out, and will often try and invite others he thinks look lonely to play with him. He’s actually quite pushy about it when he’s a toddler, but gets much better at respecting other’s wishes for space during childhood.

Despite his generally nice personality, Phin struggles to take accountability for mistakes and accusations of wrongdoing, and often avoids the subject or even flees the area if it means avoiding consequence when things of that nature are brought up. He doesn’t do this out of malice, but rather out of his extreme discomfort for having caused grief for someone else, to the point where he’d rather just let the issue fade from memory than confront the feelings and make amends. He can be pushed to do the right thing, however, if other people make it known they expect him to rectify his mistakes

As he grows older, he develops some ‘theater kid’ vibes, but has enough positive influences around to help him keep more annoying tendencies mostly in check. He’s quite fond of music in general, and would absolutely adore musicals if he ever got to witness one.


Goes on adventures with Weiss for a while when he’s young before a dangerous encounter with a trainer makes Weiss realize Phin’s too little to come along safely and in general stops him from bringing anyone on his trips.

「𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬」

* While Phin enjoys thinking up and telling his own stories, he struggles to actually sit down and read books for too long. He’d much rather be playing and acting out the story rather than just sitting still and picturing it in his head.
* If you give him cinnamon flavored treats he’ll do basically whatever you want. This weakness survives into adulthood, though he has a much higher threshold to cross for any bribery to be effective
* Just my hc right now but the scarf he’ll start wearing once he evolves into a pikachu is half in tribute to gramma Adel & aunt Flute, half a way to track of him easier via the bells now that he’s big enough to wander off on his own //subject to change based on future dev

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