All Prompts

[AC-003] Draw the Glowchu Above

[AC-003] Draw the Glowchu Above

Category: Activity

Draw the Glowchu linked in the post above your own in this Discord based activity! Not only will you get some nice artwork out of it, but you'll walk away with some bonus Radiance, too! You can participate as often as you like.




Are you interested in participating in an activity where the objective is to not only create gift art for a fellow user, but also receive gift art in return? If so, then you've come to the right place! This is Draw the Glowchu Above  - a Discord based, ARPG-oriented activity where users post in our designated DTGA channel as an opportunity to both create and receive art! After posting, you'll draw the character of the person who posted before you and the person who posts after you will draw your character! And then the cycle continues. It's almost like a year round Secret Santa exchange or a mystery art trade, where you can both give and get art at your own pace and discretion and what you get in return, as well as who you get it from, will always be a surprise! This is a Discord based activity, however, so users will be unable to participate unless they're part of the Glowchus community Discord server.

➤ Prompt Objectives

The point here, as you may have already guessed from the title, is to draw the Glowchu linked in the respective channel's most recent post. It's a fun way for community members to give and receive gift art of their characters and everyone who participates will receive a boosted Radiance rewards for each completed submission. If you're ready to get started, please make sure to read the information outlined below for a step-by-step guide on how to participate, as well as some general rules to follow when doing so:

  1. Copy, paste, and fill out the following form in the community Discord's #dtga channel!
    • Site Name:
      Character ML Entry:
      Completed Art:
  2. Draw the character linked in the post above yours.
  3. Post your submission to the community gallery and be sure to link it in both the "Completed Art" field of your Discord form, as well as the "Submission URL" field of the prompt submission form!
➤ Submission Guidelines

Any guidelines that apply to this specific prompt are outlined below. Please read through this information thoroughly, as what's written here can vary significantly from one prompt to another. Failing to acknowledge and likewise adhere to the established guidelines for any particular prompt may result in the rejection of submissions or otherwise cause a delay in the approval process! If any additional help or guidance is needed, a more comprehensive breakdown of general guidelines that apply specifically to prompt submissions can be found here. For tutorials on how to participate in and submit prompts specifically, our website tutorials address that topic in depth on this page here.

  • There is no deadline for this prompt.
  • There is no limit to the number of submissions users can make to this prompt.
  • This is a Discord based activity! Users must be member of the Glowchus Discord server in order to participate.
  • Entries for this prompt should be submitted to Draw the Glowchu Above in the Glowchus site gallery.
  • There are specific rules regarding the characters that can be used for the sake of this prompt. They are outlined below:
    • Users may participate in this prompt with registered Glowchus only! No non-Glowchus or non-chus in general.
    • Both Main and Side Characters may be used, as long as they are Glowchus.
    • The character listed to be drawn on the form must belong to the posting user. Do not submit someone else's character.
    • There is no time limit - once a user has completed any previous DTGA posts, they are more than welcome to make another.
    • Users may not make additional DTGA posts until their previous one has been completed.
    • Do not include anything in DTGA posts other than the provided form.
  • In order to qualify for the rewards of this prompt, submissions must meet the following minimum requirements:
    • Illustrations should be flat-colored, full body images of the featured character.
    • Literature should include 600 words and the featured character must be the focus of the piece.
      • When planning for lit pieces, please ensure that the recipient is comfortable with gift writing for their character!
  • Users may NOT participate in this prompt using commissioned/requested/gifted piece. Any creative works submitted for the sake of this prompt must be done wholly by the submitter.
  • In the "Comments" field of the prompt submission page, copy, paste, and fill out the prompt submission form.
➤ Rewards

Rewards for prompt submissions are broken down into two categories based on their respective distribution processes. Automatically added rewards are those that are applied to the prompt submission by default, meaning the user does not need to add them. Manually added rewards, however, are those that the user is responsible for adding and keeping track of themselves. Because the site can't calculate what additional rewards a user might be eligible for, said user needs to make note of them any time they make a prompt submission to ensure that they're maximizing their prompt participation benefits!

  • Automatically added:
    • 10 Radiance
  • Manually added:
    • 100 Experience for the featured character
    • 25 Experience for any additional characters included in the submission
  • Bonus rewards are not applicable to this prompt
Prompt illustration courtesy of ???


Reward Amount
Radiance 10
1 result found.