G2-0292: Digital

Owned by AndyArtistics

"There has been a ɔ̵̠͛ɿ̴̹͠i̸͇͗Ɉ̵̹̕i̵̪͊ɔ̴̫͑ɒ̵͉̈́l̴̡͋ ̵̳̆ɘ̵͍͂ɿ̸̼͐ɿ̸͉̋o̵̜͆ɿ̷̀. Please try again later."

Full reference | MARKINGS| Front & Back

(Front and Back are the pikachu version until i make a raichu version- aside from that, the back design is the same)

◊ Name: "Digital"
◊ Age: 20(?) [MS] / ?? [PS] || May 5, 35??
◊ Gender: Nonbinary (He/They)
◊ Height: 2' 01" / 63 cm
◊ Type: Steel/Electric/Steel
◊ Color: Light Silver #D9D9D9
◊ Ability: Analytic | Lightning Rod | Sturdy
◊ Nature: Serious (=/=)
◊ Characteristic: Sturdy Body

Level: 1
► HP: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
► Atk: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
► Def: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
► SpA: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
► SpD: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
► Spd: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

  move: description
  move: description
  move: description
  move: description
「Extended Moveset」

[+] Articulate | Independent | Tenacious
[=] Observant | Poker-faced | Awkward
[-] Erring | Repetitive | Distant

Digital is... pretty bland. More robot than the pokemon he's modeled after, even for the artificiality a cyber would naturally entail. One might be so inclined as to say they don't have a personality to speak of.

Prior to his mysterious amnesia, he was overly dedicated to his job. Exasperated by his already overt roboticness, he's incredibly blunt and to the point, interested in only collecting relevant data-points over.. feelings and their wishy-washy nature, unreliable variables that they are. The lack of emotion he displays does lead some of the more emotional types (well. relative to him at least) in an awkward air, a fact that he is often clueless about despite how observant he otherwise is.

The amnesia, a system reset of sorts, didn't exactly change their basic habits. Arguably, whatever happened probably made them all the more disconnected from other individuals, given that they would've forgotten any prior connections they had to begin with. What (or who) messed with/erased his memories also caused some.. unpredicted issues. Parts of his job programming seems to either be locked and inaccessible or is just outright missing, creating gaps that lead to different glitches. Now prone to repeating certain actions (particularly verbal ones) ad nauseam like they're stuck in a loop until it breaks.



The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry data is corrupted or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or corrupted.

○ Suffers from amnesia; All he remembers is his "name" and base functions (well. Mostly.)
○ No idea what happened to him, but along with the amnesia they also seems to be.. scrambled somewhat (quite literally, they will glitch out on occassion)
○ The end of his tail (the solid glow color part) is always shifting/glitching; A side-effect of whatever broke his internal systems.
○ Originally built to be a mobile database primarily for recording languages and translations across said language.  Despite the ɔ̵̞̊ō̶̬ɿ̸̘̽ɿ̴̠͋υ̶͆͜q̸̩͐Ɉ̵̗̋ɘ̶̨̽b̵̟̚  systems, they still try to carry out their primary functions, even if some of the pieces are m̶̏ͅì̶ͅƨ̸̩́ƨ̶̃ͅi̵̗̎n̶̳̄ϱ̴̢̓.̷̼̏
○ His voice claim is Damian Cecere (Male Synths, Fallout 4)
Their character playlist

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