G2-0240: Diletta

Owned by AndyArtistics

"Honey, I don't make the menu, I just work here."

Full reference | Markings

◊ Name: Diletta
◊ Age: 46 [MS] / ?? [PS] || March 14, 3504
◊ Gender: Female
◊ Height: 2' 08" / 81 cm
◊ Type: Normal
◊ Color: Magic Potion #FF3F62
◊ Ability: Frisk
◊ Nature: Adament [+Atk/ -Sp. Atk]
◊ Characteristic: Strong Willed

Level: 1
► HP: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
► Atk: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
► Def: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
► SpA: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
► SpD: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
► Spd: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

FairyIC_SM.png Charm: The user gazes at the target rather charmingly, making it less wary. This harshly lowers its Attack stat.
ElectricIC_SM.png  Thunder Punch: The target is attacked with an electrified punch. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
NormalIC_SM.png Recover: The user regenerates its cells, restoring its own HP by up to half its max HP.
NormalIC_SM.png Attract: If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.
「Extended Moveset」

[+] Charismatic | Confident | Clever
[=] Vigilant | Aloof
[-] Manipulative | Stingy | Distrusting | Thievish

Diletta is one with many walls up, and even more facades to cover them. She doesn't let many (if anyone) get too close, deeply distrustful of those around her after spending much of her life only being able to count of herself. Her own experiences have proven to her that there's no such thing as good and pure intentions, there's always a catch, that if you're not careful you'll only get burned. So, she does what she has to to get by, and if that means putting on a mask after mask after mask? Then so be it. She'll be whatever she needs to be if it means you'll give her what she wants (or leave an opening for her to take it and run).

The few that get to see beyond her walls will be able to see just how tired she truly is. Always having to keep up a character infront of others, playing nice with customers and coworkers alike, it's not easy. Maybe if things were different, this wouldn't have to be the way it is, but sometimes you just have to deal with the hand that's been dealt to you no matter how bad it is.

Orphaned pretty young and left to the streets of Central, she's known just about nothing but hardship growing up. Quickly having to learn the ropes of life, she spent much of her early years barely being able to feed herself off scraps she could find.

Eventually she joined in with a group of other kids that had it about as rough as she did. Counting on each other for the sake of simply getting by on scraps, it all seemed solid for awhile. The harsh reality sets in when a string of betrayals amongst themselves happened. Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the only one you can count on is yourself, and she has the scars to remind her of this fact.

Refusing to put any deep trust in others, she went further into putting on masks to deceive anyone stupid enough to give her sympathy. Only taking advantage of what she could get out of them and vanishing if anything got too comfortable. Despite how many walls she put up, she let herself get just a bit too comfortable with one of her many 'benefactors' as she puts it.

Getting herself swept into a romance that ended when he up and vanished one night, leaving her with a child she never expected. It only got more complicated when a few years later, another child that wasn't even hers was dropped onto her doorstep, said to have been another result to whatever affairs her newly deceased ex got up to. Not willing to let the kid face challenges like she had, she took him in despite her already struggling to provide for her actual biological child as well as herself.

It just means she had to take up more work, pinch more pennies, pickpocket all the more. Surely things would turn out alright if she worked just a bit harder.

○ Venice's Mom; Echo's Adoptive Mom
○ The scars are from run-ins she had in her youth while living in the streets.
○ (Mostly) Works as a Waitress or Hostess in a multitude of places around Central
○ Apron changes for each job she has (aka you can give her different ones from what's in her ML art)
○ Has a habit of stealing other workers tips/stealing from commutative tip jar (depends on establishment). It's a dog-eat-dog world and she's out for her and her son(s) before anyone else. 
○ Due to her multiple jobs, she's often away from home; Making her much less present for her kid(s) as they grew up than she would've liked.
○ Her voice claim is Wendie Malick (Eda Clawthorne, The Owl House)
○ Her character playlist


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