Profile G2-0213: Pan

Owned by Rahbits

Name: Pan
Age: 10 (Child) [MS] / ?? [PS] || February 21, 3540
Gender: Nonbinary (They/Them)
Height: 1'01"/ 33 cm
Type: Dragon/Normal
Color: Summer Green (#91B99B)
Ability: Tough Claws/Fluffy
Nature: Lonely (+Atk, -Def)
Characteristic: Quick to flee

Level: 1
► HP: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
► Atk: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
► Def: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
► SpA: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
► SpD: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
► Spd: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

normal.gif Comet Punch: The target is hit with a flurry of punches that strike two to five times in a row.
DragonIC BW.png Dragon Rush: The user tackles the target while exhibiting overwhelming menace. This may also make the target flinch.
fighting.gif Reversal: An all-out attack that becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
normal.gif Tail Whip: The user wags its tail cutely, making opposing Pokémon less wary. This lowers their Defense stats.


Despite what their sharper (in the literal sense) traits may suggest, Pan is anything but the type to be aggressive or confrontational. They're very flighty- nervous around strangers and familiar faces alike- and they try to be as vigilant as they can towards their surroundings... a habit that was arguably built out of necessity for plenty of reasons, and only further heightened after their unplanned (and unwanted) departure from their home.

Their upbringing was fairly strict, with their parent especially valuing self-sufficiency as early as possible, so while they have a surprising amount of practical knowledge for someone so young, it also comes at the drawback of them being very unquestioning towards anyone with believable enough authority when a dedicated guardian isn't around. Relatedly, Pan is very much a pushover and very indecisive when put on the spot. You won't see them talking back or offering much resistance if someone drags them into a situation (though they will almost definitely not be happy about it and will probably cry. You monster.).

Beneath that timid and uncertain face is someone who would very much like to make friends... even if they're afraid to take that step for fear of not meeting certain expectations. Unless someone else takes the initiative Pan will watch on while others have their own fun.


    Pan was born in a relatively obscure settlement in Eternia: a  partially underground, warren-esque village filled predominantly with  rabbit and rodent Pokemon. The community itself is pretty tight knit,  leery of outsiders, and strongly values hard work and cooperation to  survive the harsh, cold conditions. They were raised by a single parent-  their mother Olivia- as their father had been killed by a Primordial  Beast not long after they had been born.

    Though she cared for them and only wanted to do what she thought  was best for their upbringing, it's pretty clear that their mother's  loss had a direct, and arguably negative, impact on their growth. She  was strict- borderline overbearing at times- with her methods. Her  approach resulted in a child with an impressive amount of practical  knowledge, such as cooking and some rudimentary survival skills, but  this was offset with Pan having a nasty case of insecurity, irrational  fear of others and their surroundings, barely any backbone to speak of,  and great difficulty in making and keeping friends.

    Their extremely timid demeanor and trouble socializing made them  something of an outcast and an extremely easy target for bullying from  other children, and they kept such troubles to themself for fear of  backlash from either side. A breaking point came in the form of some of  the kids dragging them away from the safety of their village and into  more dangerous territory outside of it. The commotion caused attracted  Beasts, which led to the group scattering and Pan being left behind to  fend for themself.

    Fortunately Pan escaped the situation unscathed, even if they  ended up much further from their home from when they'd started. They  were soon found and offered aid from a stranger that had been passing  through... a blessing which turned out to be anything but, once it  became apparent that their "savior" had no intention of helping them  find their way back.

    Afraid for their well being and too scared to fight back, Pan was  ferried from continent to continent- eventually ending up traveling in between settlements in Terraria. An escort had offered to show the  way, and recommended resting first during the day to begin traveling  proper once it as dusk. Though their captor had easily agreed to the arrangement, the "escort," River,  had no intention of following through. He granted Pan a means of escape  with a planned destination in mind and a promise to help them back  home. Seeming like an actually genuine offer- and for lack of better  options- Pan agreed, and the two of them trekked on in the desert heat,  towards rumored activity near the fallen Sanctuary Springs.

○ Afraid of accidentally hurting others with their horns and claws, so they tend to be very careful when interacting with others
○ Two
○ Three
○ Four
○ Their voice claims are Dani Chambers (Molly Blyndeff, Epithet Erased) as a child, and ??? as an older teen/adult
○ Their battle theme is --

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