Profile G2-0149: Chance

Owned by DragonseekerArt

✧ Name: Chance

✧ Age: 8

✧ Gender: Male 

✧ Personality: Chance is a very anxious, scared child. Due to the trauma he suffered when he was younger, he approaches every interaction with as much paranoia as an 8 year old can muster. Despite his nerves, he has an odd fascination with Primordial Beasts, and will take any opportunity to view them, mostly from a distance.


✧ History: Chance comes from a line of Primordial Beast breeders. The main species they bred were canines, like Poochyena, Houndour, and Growlithe. He grew up a very happy, loved child with a healthy fascination for wild creatures.


Without warning, his family farm was attacked in the middle of the night by a class 4 beast of massive size, along with a few smaller class 3’s. The farm was totalled, and Chance’s family was unfortunately unable to escape. Chance only barely made it out, with the help of his Houndour Breeze, and was found by a kind stranger.




✧ Fun Facts:

       ✦ Chance’s favorite species of beast is Houndour.

       ✦ As an adult, Chance takes after his family and becomes a breeder for domesticated beasts.

       ✦ Chance really, really dislikes seafood.

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