G2-0127: Eloise

Owned by Ayakoko

◊ Name: Eloise
◊ Age: 6
◊ Gender: Female
Type: Fighting/Fairy
◊ Ability: Pure Power/Pixilate
◊ Nature: Sassy
Characteristic: Highly Persistent

( + )
Resilient | Valiant | Playful

( = ) Persistent | Curious

( – ) Stubborn | Naive | Competitive 

◊ Pichu 1'00"
◊ Pikachu 1'04"
◊ Raichu 2'07"


Eloise was born to a mother who cared deeply for her and a father that had little to no care for her at all. She spent most of her life in an isolated cottage with her mother, and her older brother, Elias, who would come to visit sometimes (where he'd go when he left, she didn't know, and her mother refused to talk about it). When she wasn't running around and playing outside, or going into town with her mother, she was getting into trouble with her tendency to wander off when spotting something interesting. Completely oblivious to the existence of her father, she enjoyed the time she got to spend with her mother and brother. Her brother’s visits started to increase as she grew, and he started sticking around to teach her different things while their mother was away. 


When Eloise was 4 she met her father. She was unsure at first, but was eventually excited to meet him. Her brother didn't seem to be happy about it, but she couldn't understand why. She was whisked away to live with their father shortly after their meeting, Elias coming with to ensure she was okay (She was told that their mother would be okay with it, but Elias seemed nervous). The next year consisted of Eloise being trained by her father, using the same training regimen that Elias had apparently been following his entire life while living with their father. She didn't have the same endurance as Elias and was often trained to exhaustion, but Eloise pushed through anyways, wanting to prove herself to her father and wanting to keep up with Elias. 


Despite being excited about forming a relationship with her father, she wasn't really as happy as she was before. She never really got time to play, only having time for training, and her father wouldn't let her spend much time with Elias. They kept moving around a lot and she missed her mother, who she wasn't allowed to bring up much. Elias always seemed worried whenever he spent time with her, and sometimes when she trained too hard she wasn't allowed to see him at all. She eventually ended up becoming wary of her father after she threw a tantrum about wanting to see her mother, which he shut down immediately.


One day Elias came in while Eloise was recovering from a particular grueling training session. He wasn't supposed to see her when this happened, but he snuck in anyways; He said they were leaving.


Elias ended up having a fight with their father when they attempted to leave. He placed her somewhere safe, but she could see everything. While he wasn't winning at first, he did something that gave him the upper hand, and he used that opportunity to take Eloise and run. Their father, enraged, pursued them and she didn't know how long her brother ran, but Elias eventually lost him. 


She didn't know where they were going, but she was told that they couldn't go back to their mother anymore. 


Eloise traveled with Elias ever since, but they never stayed in a place for long, and Elias was always nervous, looking behind his back constantly. She was often left alone for long hours while Elias went to go find work. She often got lonely, but she'd get in trouble if she went out by herself. She still enjoyed being able to spend time with her brother, but she missed how things were before. 


She missed her mother.

「Fun Facts」
* Eloise likes spending her time outdoors and doesn't mind getting dirty.

* Though a fan  of bitter foods, she doesn't mind trying other things as well, as long as they aren't spicy.

* Her competitive nature oftentimes causes her to push herself past her limit.

*Eloise is illiterate. Her inability to read and write doesn't really bother her though.

*Due to living a sheltered life, having only interacted with her parents, her brother, and a couple family friends, she isn't used to the world outside of her home environment and doesn't really know how to interact or play with other children without roughhousing (Though she's started to learn that there are others ways to play unrelated to training).

*She's very curious and has a tendecy to wander off if something catches her attention.

*When it comes to running, she prefers to run on all fours.

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