Profile G2-0101: Fuse Alkali 

Owned by VerumTee


Name: Fuse Alkali 
Age: 7 | 06.20.3544 (RS Generation)
Gender: Female
Pairing:  Single
◊ Orientation: Pansexual
Birthplace: Small island off the western coast of Prosperia
Current Location: Sun Clan

( + ) Creative | Book Smart| Bold
( = ) Mischevious | Energetic | Dependent
( – ) Chaotic | Rebel | Loud

Pichu 1'00"
Pikachu 1'04"
Raichu 2'07"


Fuse was born into a family of science and mathematics.  Her bedtime stories were out of physics and math books. She quickly grasped concepts of math, physics and such even before being able to properly communicate. In fact she may have never learned to properly communicate if it wasn't for her brother Sparky as her mother Mist only ever paid attention to her children if they talked about anything but science. Mist' partner left while Fuse was in the womb, as such she never got their kind caring touch. Sparky, being not much older than her, attempted to fill those shoes as best as he could.

With the help of Sparky, Fuse was able to make friends on the island. Lytira and Mekhi became two of her closest friends. Together the group did regular kid things but with Fuse's help, playtime, tricks and mischievous deeds became much more potent. Fuse especially loved helping Lytira come up with new "magic" tricks using her knowledge of chemistry.

After a few years, Mist started seeing Sparky's interactions with Fuse as distractions from her potential greatness and she sent Sparky away. Fuse was extremely close to Sparky and hit a meltdown of emotions. In a panic she built herself an air balloon, albeit incorrectly and rushed after his boat which was heading eastward. The wind picked up and threw her off course, sending her westward. She tried her best to change  her heading back eastward however the storm grew more violent and now it became a struggle for survival.

After crash landing in the desert Fuse lost all memories of her past life and longs to find out where she came from. Her only memories left are of her name and the fact that she is extremely well educated for a 7 year old pichu. Being a Pyrotechnist with some knowledge of rocket science and engineering. She can only assume that she came from a scientific community or family.

Her need for companionship being strong she follows the first group of sentient pokemon she meets in the desert.

「Fun Facts」
* Fuse feels like everyone around her are dummies but she wouldn't tell them that.
* Nothing will stop Fuse from furthering her knowledge, sometimes she puts others in danger accidentally due to her focus.
* She definetly loves a big bang and Fuse's favorite way of showing she cares about others is through fireworks or explosively loud displays of fire power.
*  Fuse loves constellations and anything space related. Her dream is to travel in outerspace.
Fuse has a strong sense of self-preservation
*  She doesn't like physical contact for the most part. Though ironically she doesn't understand personal space. Sparky, her brother, being the only person she allows touching her.


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