Profile G2-0068: Faellin

Owned by Toldrum
  • Name:
    • Faellin
  • Age:
    • ??? Years
  • Gender:
    • Female
  • Personality:
    • Fair and kind, Faellin, even despite her now scarred appearance, is a Raichu of grace and understanding. Truly, a creature of virtue, and the embodiment of love: family and friends are the center of her world, and her husband and children are the glue that holds her together. Her loyalty to her loved ones is strong and unbroken, and she wouldn't trade her time with them for anything in the world. It is why she is so hellbent on returning to them -- to reunite with her children and make up for the time she's lost when they were first separated. Missing her beloved Gabriel keeps her up at night, as there are times where she feels like giving up and has no answers for what to do next. Fae does feel a strong sense of guilt and shame BECAUSE she was separated from her children, and it prevents her from returning to her husband until she knows her children are safe and secure. Knowing her children are still out there is literally the only thing keeping her going.
    • She believes in change and forgiveness, and is a pacifist by nature. She tries to avoid fighting as much as possible, despite having learned to fight when she was younger during her first relationship with Sync's father. That isn't to say that she is incapable of protecting herself or her family, as shown by her scars, she has proven herself to be a fierce opponent.  Again, she only fights if she sees it being unavoidable. She has made many unexpected allies due to her pacifistic, nurturing nature -- especially those she has gone out her way to heal/treat, rather than fight with. 
    • Fae is both knowledgeable and wise, and while she may not always have the answers for herself, she almost always seems to know what to say and what advise to give. It's what also makes her such an impactful figure in her children's lives, as she's instilled valuable lessons that stuck even during their unfortunate separation. Even Gabriel has learned important values and knowledge from the world beyond his people's settlement, from Faellin.
  • History: 
    • wip
  • Funfacts: 
    • She knows a hefty amount of first aid, due to her adoptive parents - a Togekiss and Audino - working as a daycare attendant and doctor.
    • Her body temperature is a tad bit low -- therefore causing her to seek warmth. This is most likely due to one of her birth parents possibly being an Ice type. She does wonder about this quite often.
    • She is armed with a whip that she channels her energy through, and she is quite skilled in lashing it about.
    • Her left eye is missing, therefore she is grateful her hair has always been styled to cover that side of her face.