G2-0045: Rashid

Owned by Michi
  • name:rashid
  • gener: male 
  • orientation: Bi

AGE: 21
BirthdatE: Abril 1 
Zodiac Western: Aries 
Born place: unknow, but was rise in Rs version of Arabia 
Accent: lets said is a mix but you can sense the arabian typical accent sometimes

+Half brother: Arke 
+Half sister: Melody 
+Mother: Samira aliah (current place unknow)
+Father: is still unknow for rashid not even his name cause his mother never wanted to mention him 
+Son: Chilcano

-like to scam everysingle victim i mean client 
-questionables itemes he have and sell
-is kind of mmm mean and bad mouth 
-shorty with temper 
-dont have romantic preference kinda likes both boy or girls who cares the improtant is the economic estabilitiy they could bring to you i mean love 
- dont think someone could love him to much to deal with 
- wanna a idea of what kind of merchant he is "remember alladin one" 
- all his ability and set move is made to be perfect for a good thief 
- have a rivality hate/love maybe relationship with arke in merchant zone 
-actually try to scam solari XD at some point and now he have an eye on him with a warning to not make anything funny 
he promise to behave at least while he is near XD cant promise when he isnt 
-hide your posetions and dont let hm trick you this shortie have what is know in spanish as "pico de oro" or in english could be "golden peak" that mean is good with words and you literal end agree with him cause he is good at this 
-technical he isnt arabian he was rise there ut his family comes from other places since his family was actually nomad who decide to stay at arabian 
-one night cost him the a cute egg hahahah tho lets see how he develops the part of him who becomes a dad, and if he do it right or wrong 
-so far isnt involve deep romantic with gloria dunno if later will be something between them but something is sure he will have to be in touch with her for chil 

+ Arke: Merchant rival (half brother too) but RIVAL hate with passion  
+Chilcano - his son, find about him without expect a simple one night could opos magical in this, keeps wondering but it sure he win the raffle 

-www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIYL-P… Arabia nightts
-www.youtube.com/watch?v=inzkJ3… (imagin rashid in this scene)

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