Profile G2-0038: Lottie

Owned by Lazuli-Heart

Name: Lottie (Full name: Loretta)
Age: 19 (At the story's beginning)
Gender: Female
Height: 1’6”
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Impish

Personality: This inquisitive and intensely extroverted Chu is desperate to know everything about everyone, which her friendly nature helps her to do. Her confidence can often cross into foolhardy and rash behaviour, but when it comes to giving advice she can be surprisingly thoughtful, listening with an impartial ear and a sympathetic smile to help the best she can.
A thrill seeker, she’s always looking for something, most often gossip and rumours to enthuse her, but if there’s no fun to be had she often has a bad habit of making some for herself in the most mischievous way possible. She’s working on this, she swears.
She’s a compassionate girl and loves to take care of others, which draws her to primordial beast ownership. She loves a wide variety of hobbies for their social aspects, keeping her hands busy while she chats, but also adores reading; if she’s not resorting to troublemaking to keep her engaged, then the adventures and secrets of fictional worlds does just fine for her! She struggles to stay engaged with one thing for too long if she’s not talking while she does it, though.
She’s surprisingly good at keeping secrets despite her desperation for gossip; she just wants to know, she doesn’t want to share! But while she won’t cause problems for others by spreading their business around, she can sometimes go too far with an insolent sense of humour and a love of teasing. Furthermore, she doesn’t hold traditional manners with particular importance in her mind, so she can often be abrasive towards more refined luminarians.

History: Growing up in the quiet and quaint Respite Village, Lottie was considered quite the handful. Her penchant for pranks, boundless energy, and constant need for excitement, socialisation, and adventures meant disturbance for most -if not all- residents. She’d managed to gain a decent bit of notoriety by Respite Village standards, if only through warnings for anyone who valued peace and quiet to steer well clear of this girl.
‘If bad was a boot, she’d fit it’ and other sentiments about her being a wicked young lady were often whispered about her, most of all by her exasperated parents. Her Mimikyu mother Gaite and Raichu father Cole had wanted a safe, quiet, stereotypical life; the kind that never tends to reflect reality, the effort that goes into making life seem so seamless  and all the difficulties that come with it. They viewed having children as more of an obligatory life stage than something to actively want, leaving them woefully underprepared for their boisterous girl. They ended up deciding that ignoring her most of the time would make her settle down, which only led Lottie to craving more stimulation and socialisation; having to go out and find it on her own, which lead to more mischief and mistakes, which lead to them perpetuating the cycle.

She had a habit of wanting to take care of any primordial beast who seemed even remotely receptive to her affection, which lead her to owning her two companions; Biko and Bella. This was much to her parent's chagrin; a pichu running around the house was already more than enough, and now there was suddenly beasts coming home out of nowhere too.

When her energy was channeled into more “proper” places Lottie could be a delight, finding herself right at home with the older residents in social groups like knitting circles and clubs; books, gardening, board games, sewing- she picked up a lot of lifelong hobbies with them. Her closest friend, however, was a younger Chu; Aiko. Lottie helped bring Aiko out of her shell while Aiko helped Lottie to think things through, balancing each other out and seeing each other through life milestones, filling Lottie with pride seeing Aiko grow.
When the pair heard of the prophecy they were abuzz with excitement, wanting to help. Through enough rumours and gossip tales the pair managed to nail down the locations of the supposed heroes, with each deciding to track down a different clan. Aiko, with her love of plants, wanted to find out all about the unique flora of the desert and help propagate more life there, while Lottie took more interest in Mirage. Her place in the prophecy was far less clear, leading to a bunch of swirling rumours that Lottie is desperate to get to the bottom of. After a lot of discussing and evaluating, the girls decided it would be best to go their seperate ways when it came to the prophecy, both setting out after a tearful goodbye. As Lottie heads off to the Moon Clan, she hopes that goodbye won't be for too long.

Phantom force
- The user vanishes somewhere, then strikes the target on the next turn. This move hits even if the target protects itself.
Shadow claw - The user attacks by slashing the target with a sharp claw made from shadows. This move has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit.
Skull Bash - The user tucks in its head to raise its Defense stat on the first turn, then rams the target on the next turn.
Curse - The user will lose half of its maximum HP and put a curse on the target, causing it to take damage equal to ¼ of it's maximum HP every turn.

- Lottie is a big fan of journaling - considering how many secrets she's heard, half of Respite Village must be praying nobody gets the chance to read her journals!
- She has a deep interest in the occult; it's like the gossip of the universe!
- Her scrying pendant is an heirloom from her father's side.
- She uses her pendant to decide where to go and what to do if she's ever stuck for ideas.
- She made Bella's scarf and Biko's collar. Her mother may still be planning to kill her over the table cloth that was sacrificed for Biko's fashion.

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