Profile G2-0016: Clyde

Owned by Staarbits

"Careful now. Crossing me might just be the last mistake you ever make."


Name: Clyde
Age: 27 [MS] / 42 [PS] || December 20, 3524
Gender: Male
Height: 1'07.5"
Ability: Merciless/Corrosion
Nature: Mild (+SpA/-Def)
Characteristic: Hates to lose

Level: 1
HP: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Atk: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Def: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
SpA: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
SpD: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Spd: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

PoisonIC_FRLG.png Poison Jab: The target is stabbed with a tentacle, an arm, or the like steeped in poison. This may also poison the target.
PoisonIC_FRLG.png Smog: The target is attacked with a discharge of filthy gases. This may also poison the target.
FireIC_FRLG.png Hidden Power: A unique attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it.
NormalIC_FRLG.png Protect: This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.

( + ) Loyal | Adaptable
( = ) Reserved | Detatched
( – ) Superficial | Caustic | Contentious | Cold | Deceitful

Born a few minutes prior to his younger fraternal twin - to Glowchus Vespera and Kane - Clyde spent the early years of his life in the Forest of Respite, high in the mountains that divide the once separate regions of Kalos and Unova. From a very young age, it had always been very clear to his parents that there just... wasn't something quite right with their eldest child. He was bad tempered, unruly, and seemed to take quite a pleasure in making their lives difficult. At ten years old, he decided that it was high time he struck out on his own and, dragging his younger twin with him, he set off to see the world. Things didn't go quite as he expected, however. The two struggled for survival in this danger and strife ridden land for almost a year before meeting up with a group of other wayward kids, under the influence of which, Clyde's behavior became all the worse which, likewise, led to the estrangement of him and his twin. One thing led to another and in his search for power, Clyde eventually joined up with the military system only to lose his position a few years later after single-handedly wiping out an entire village, a crime for which he was locked away. After his eventual escape, he took up mercenary and bounty hunter work as a means of survival until he stumbled upon Mirage and her tower, declaring the location his home and coming and going as he pleases.

Following his presumed death at the hands of a exceedingly powerful Pokemon, Clyde struck out on his own, more than content to let everyone think the world was finally rid of him at last - things were simpler that way. He spent the subsequent year reconnecting with the family he had long since forsaken while he recovered from the ordeal. However, a plea for help from an old acquaintance drew him back to Central where he worked together with the local police force to bring an end to the reign of tyranny. He has been living there ever since.

◊ Every aspect of his physical being is highly toxic - even his spit is like acid.
◊ Clyde was born with a rare genetic anomaly that affects only poison types - an anomaly that seems to deform their markings as they evolve
◊ His voiceclaim is Troy Baker.
◊ His battle theme is Those Who Fight.
◊ His theme song is Come With Me Now.

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