Profile G2-0014: Alistair

Owned by Staarbits

"Why yes, I do have a really big sword. Thank you for noticing."


Name: Alistair
Age: 23 || November 16, 3527
Gender: Male
Height: 3'00.9"
Type: Rock/Dark
Ability: Battle Armor/Intimidate
Nature: Relaxed (+Def/-Spd)
Characteristic: Good perseverance

Level: 1
HP: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Atk: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Def: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
SpA: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
SpD: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Spd: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

NormalIC_FRLG.png Slam: The target is slammed with a long tail, vines, or the like to inflict damage.
RockIC_FRLG.png Wide Guard: The user and its allies are protected from wide-ranging attacks for one turn.
RockIC_FRLG.png Stone Edge: The user stabs the target with sharpened stones.
DarkIC_FRLG.png Payback: The user stores power, then attacks. This move's power is doubled if the user moves after the target.

( + ) Friendly | Outgoing | Good Natured
( = ) Mischievous | Sarcastic | Distrusting
( – ) Manipulative | Deceptive | Superficial

Alistair was born in the hidden kingdom of Mysteria to a sickly half-glowchu by the name of Celia and a Tyrannitar named Terran. His father was one of the kingdom's most esteemed knights and was highly revered throughout the land as Sir Terran. Because of his typing, much like that of his father's, Alistair grew up as an outcast to many of his Pokemon peers which made it virtually impossible for him to make friends. This mattered little, to him, however, as he was perfectly content with only the company of his parents, especially Terran. Completely in awe of his father and devoted to the idea of growing up to one day be just like him, Alistair, from the moment he was coordinated enough to hold a sword (or anything akin to one), spent the majority of his childhood doing everything he could to prepare himself for the day he could begin official training as a member of the royal guard. Things didn't go as planned, however. Alistair was only 10 when Kalypso invaded the kingdom, slaughtering anyone who dared to stand against him with unimaginable savagery and power. Terran was one of the many Pokemon to die that day. Overcome by grief, the stress brought on by the loss of Terran and someone like Kalypso in control of the kingdom sent Celia into a medical relapse, leaving her completely bedridden and on the brink of death. Alistair, furious over all which he had lost and the worsening condition of his mother, brazenly attacked Kalypso as he was happening through the streets one day. Impressed by the 'chu's battle prowess in spite of his age, Kalypso offered Al a place among his new kingdom. When Alistair refused, Kalypso offered him the one thing that he knew the child would not turn down - proper medical care for his dying mother. Torn between disgust over the mere thought of having anything to do with Kalypso and the crushing notion of losing the only family he had left, Alistair had little choice but to accept the Raichu's proposition. He's been working odd jobs under cover for Eclipse Clan ever since.

◊ It's not uncommon for him to introduce himself to others as Alistair, although he generally prefers that acquaintances refer to him simply as "Al."
◊ The sword Alistair carries with him belonged to his father. It's his most prized possession and he takes remarkably good care of it.
◊ Unlike most Pokemon, this particular 'chu fights almost exclusively via swordplay, rarely using his moves for anything more than a distraction.
◊ The above fact in mind, he sometimes uses his moves in conjunction with his sword fighting style in order to amplify the power of his moves or likewise gain an advantage over his opponent.
◊ He also has incredible control over his weapon. Alistair is fully capable of swinging it around as if it were nothing more than a feather and even stopping his swing dead short of his target when necessary.
◊ Entirely ambidextrous, he has the skill to wield his weapon flawlessly in either hand (although he generally uses both for more strength behind his swings).
◊ Alistair takes up mercenary work in his spare time and is always willing to lend a hand to anyone in need - for a price.
◊ Most of the money he earns is sent home as payment for the medical care for his mother. Very rarely does he use any of it for himself.
◊ Very easily entertained, one of his greatest pleasures in life is simply spending time around the more lively and colorful members of the group, occasionally making offhanded jokes about their behavior to incite a reaction.
◊ Despite his social and friendly nature, Alistair is extremely difficult to get to know. He never talks about himself and the most anyone will ever get out of him is a childhood story or two.
◊ Alistair is entirely non-materialistic. He doesn't buy things he doesn't need and generally keeps very little on his person at all times. He isn't particularly sentimental either and is fully capable of ditching items and accessories if carrying them around becomes inconvenient.
◊ He can, however, be seen toting around a few non-essential items (namely a pair of sunglasses and, oddly enough, a bow).
◊ His voice claim is Matthew Mercer

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