Profile G2-0009: Molly

Owned by adgerelli

"If you are feeling helpless, extend your hand and help someone else who may need it."

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◊ 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞: Molly
◊𝐀𝐠𝐞: 44 || 08.03.3507
◊ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: Female
◊ 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲: Heterosexual
◊ 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫: #F995C2

( + ) Kindhearted
( = ) Down-To-Earth
( – ) Toxic Forgiveness | Low Self-Respect

Molly is incredibly graceful, and friendly though she seems a bit quiet and shy. Once this Glowchu finds a potential relationship with you, be it platonic or more, you can call her a friend for life. She tries not to hold grudges of any kind, and is very forgiving. She loves children and is very motherly.



[Semi-Old, revising some later details.]

Molly was born just outside the village of Icka. She was the firstborn of Venom and Jacqueline, and had several younger sisters who needed taking care of while her parents - mostly her father - went off on errands such as fetching food and water out of town. She quickly learned that those times were the only times of peace she would have. Venom was erratic, violent, and targeted Molly more and more, frustrated that she was his only Full Glowchu child - and somehow, it was her fault.

When Molly was 16, she met and quickly fell in love with Mike. With his help she was able to escape the clutches of her abusive father, but unfortunately, without the rest of her family. But, at least she was safe now. As their relationship grew, so did her position, and over time she stood by Mike’s side when he became Chief of Icka. Despite her standing, she was more comfortable walking the streets with the locals rather than taking on political duties of a leader. 

After about 10 years of trying, her dream to one day have a family was starting to come true when she and Mike were finally gifted with a daughter. They loved and spoiled her to no end, being the daughter of Icka's leader only means she must get the best and be the best, and they wouldn't have it any other way. However, Molly wanted more. A sibling for Monica, perhaps. However long they tried, for years they were having problems bearing a child. It took about another 10 years before another egg came to be. However, their happiness didn't last for long. Soon before the egg was ready to hatch, Primidoral Beasts infiltrated and attacked the Village of Icka. Molly was not a fighter, and never would be, and Mike knew this so he told her to run. And run she did. She ran and ran for Arceus only knows how long, until she found herself in slightly unfamiliar territory. She knew she wasn't too far from Icka, however, but when she tried to return, she fell into some sort of cave-in on the ground. The cave-in fell into a fast-moving underground river, and no matter how she cried she knew nobody would hear her. The river took her away beyond where she had ever traveled before.

After a long, long time, the river eventually emptied out into a pool where the currents were slow enough so that she could pull herself out. She stayed beside the river for almost an eternity, too shaken up to move. Eventually she knew she had to find something to eat or else she would die, so she ignored her body's protests and dug her way back to above ground. She had no idea where she was. She knew it wasn't safe, so she decided to become sort of Nomadic, never staying in one place for too long. Eventually, after a few years of being alone, she wound up traveling the same path of the Sun Clan. Seeing them band together reminded her of what it was like to be a member of Icka's village, and upon hesitation decided to join them.

[NOTE: Molly does not join Sun Clan until Chapter 3, after Madison is gone. SHE IS CURRENTLY A PIKACHU IN STORYLINE EVENTS]

「𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬」

* Molly cannot fly. When she evolved into a Pikachu, Venom left large scars along her back marking, permanently damaging her fairy wings.
* As a Pikachu, she never projects her wings. It isn't until she accepts her own inner strength and evolves into a Raichu that she can bare to look at herself with them again.
* Molly is deathly afraid of water, ever since she was swept away.
* She will always find a place for someone who needs help, especially lost or lonely children.


Immediate Family






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