G1-0130: Malo

Owned by Lazuli-Heart

Name: Malo
Male 🏳️‍⚧️

: Outwardly Malo is a goofy, fun-loving, and extroverted kid always up for adventure; especially if that adventure is at the sea! It can often seem like he's off in his own world, but when someone snaps him out of whatever he's thinking about he becomes a wonderful listener. He greatly looks up to his father, Finley, and wants to grow up to be just like him! Like him, Malo is also loyal and quite agreeable.
Beneath the surface Malo is quite an anxious young boy; times when he's 'off with the fairies' are actually when he's ruminating on whichever of his many worries is at the forefront of his mind. He loves his family deeply and is very protective of them, but that often plays into his anxious nature and just gives him more to stress about. As a psychic type, he's always trying to see the future and take care of anything and everything even before they happen; he's got quite the unfortunate talent for picturing the worst-case outcome for everything. He feels it's his responsibility to try and control the future. Sometimes he can even come off as a control-freak, since he's trying to manage everything to avoid any disasters he fears occurring. He also deals with quite a few intrusive thoughts, which almost never fail to stress him out to the extreme. He keeps up a brave face as much as he can; he feels like it's his job as one of the older siblings to push through without any help.
He can be quite curious, but that curiosity is dampened by how worried he is about everything. Both to manage his fears and his curiosity, he can be quite observative like Ji.
Like his parents he's actually quite introverted, but he struggles to tell the difference between having a drained social battery and just being anxious around people outside of his family, so he tries to push past it with an extroverted facade. This leaves him often feeling quite burnt out.
Being by the sea soothes him, as does having his parent Ji brush his hair out.

-Malo has a fear of the dark. He feels quite guilty about it, since so many of his loved ones are dark type.

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