G1-0118: ✧ Phoenix

Owned by Mew

✧ Name: Phoenix
✧ Age: Child
✧ Stage: Pichu
✧ Parents: Skye and Knii
✧ Partner: Lupe

✧ Personality: Adventurous, Quick learner, Inquisitive, Can be annoying, Questions everything, romantic. 

✧ History: 
Born in a lab, the scientists used rudimentary typing infusions from failed experiments to create her as a tri-type.  They were aiming to try and combat weaknesses and have an ultimate power typing.  It didn't get very far as most of the labs were being abandoned and shut down.  In her experiement room, Phoenix was the only one found. 

She was a very sickly baby, less then a year old and she almost died.  Phoenix's body seemed to be rejecting the steel typing.  Skye tried to make a revival potion from some crude diagrams found in the labs the group had gone to.  With the help of others, she made something that should have been close.  It was a particular night that things went bad.  Phoenix was having a hard time breathing when she just wouldn't get up anymore.  Skye tried to use roost with the little sick baby curled to her body.  She knew roost only tended to help herself but she had to try.  Phoenix didn't take and took a final breath in.  Instantly Skye dropped the revive potion into the baby's mouth and waited. 

Seconds seemed like hours but almost as quickly as she was gone she took her first breath again and began breathing well.  Phoenix sleepily opened her eyes and saw everyone who loved her standing over her.  She smiled and snuggled right into Skye, her fur radiating heat from the fire typing.  "Mama"  Her first words.  It was then they all knew she'd be okay.  From that point on, her type combination never bothered her again.  Of course Skye took no chances, teaching all her children that a move they should know is Roost and that it was important to have.  Phoenix got her name, a fire bird who dies and is reborn.  While Skye wanted to baby Phoenix, she let the young girl be free and learn about the world around her.

Phoenix is a middle child of Skye and Knii.  She was adopted when she was very young.  She has only ever known Skye and Knii as her moms.  With that being said loves adventure.  She is happy to go out and explore the area and extremely enjoys doing that with her brother, her brother's partner and his sister.  She develops a massive crush on Aero's sister Lupe, which becomes real as they get older.  She is always following around the adults and older munchkins, observing and learning visually.  Isn't a huge fan of water, but tolerates it to be around her "auntie" Aqua.  Despite being a fire type, she loves to garden with Skye.

✧ Fun Facts:
- Created in a lab. 
- When created,  they used Flying, Steel and Fire type fusion, but she technically is not blood related to any other glowchu.
- Was found very very young by Skye and she instantly formed an attachment due to her typings.
- Was brought home to her new family, but she doesn't remember this.  She only ever remember's Knii, Skye and her siblings being there.
- Died once, but was revived like the phoenix she is
- Adores being annoying, following others and learning new things (in that order)
- Loves Sweet things and dislikes Dry as his nature is Jolly.

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