Profile G1-0102: Argos

Owned by DragonseekerArt



✧ Name: Argos

✧ Age: Born 5201, Pichu is age 0-8, Pikachu is 8-[redacted]

✧ Gender:  Male

✧ Personality: Argos is very adventurous, outgoing, hotheaded, and reckless. He spent so long being locked away, his sense of danger has been somewhat skewed. He took every opportunity to explore, getting himself into trouble at every turn. Meeting Sprite cooled down the fire in him in a way, but he still had to scratch that exploring itch every now and then.


✧ History: Wip; TLDR; Argos was set free from Infinity Corp. and spent a long time adventuring. Somewhere along the way, he met Sprite, and was instantly smitten. They settled down together, had a child, and the rest is history. (Thinking about him too much makes me sad hence why he doesn't have an actual history yet :') )


✧ Fun Facts:

       ✦ Argos’s voice claim is Flynn Rider from Tangled.

       ✦ Despite all his bravado, Argos is scared of the dark.

       ✦ He has a soft spot for cute critters, always taking his daughter out to see baby pokemon when he can.

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