Profile G1-0076: Whistle

Owned by bisflorescentia

Oh come on , you only live once. . !


Basic Statistics
Name: Whistle
Age: -4 ( 2500 ) | 12 ( 2516 )
Birthday: Sept. 1st , 2504
Gender: Female ( She | Her )
Relationship: Flurry ( Normal | Ice )
 Voice Actress: Sample | Dolly Parton
Associated Color: #49ac8b ( Ocean Green )
Level: ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Type Attributes
Type: Grass | Electric
Ability: Overgrow | Static
Nature: Clever ( +Sp.A | -HP )
Characteristic: Strong Willed

Natural: Charm | Nuzzle | Sweet Kiss | Nasty Plot
Type Attribute:
Grass Whistle | Grass Knot || Electroweb | Charge

Personality Attributes
( + ) Passionate | Charismatic | Resourceful
( = ) Headstrong | Daredevil | Captivating
() Selfish | Manipulative | Jealous
Born to both the Grass and Water Originals , Whistle was a rather timid little thing in the face of others. Often was she observed clinging to the side of her father Rye. She had no interest in others her age , and especially shrunk under the gaze of other adults. Due to her selective isolation , the munchkin developed a major attachment to her father -- moreso than what was deemed "average". Her "Pop" , as she typically referred to him as , was the most important person in the young glowchu's life and everything she did was in hopes of doing him proud by behaving comically similar. With the introduction of other siblings , whether by cloning or natural means , Whistle began to grow insecure in her ability to follow in her fathers footsteps when others were doing it so much better than she was. As if claiming her territory , she'd bare her miniature fangs at others vying for Rye's attention and often try to keep his attention exclusively on her. . .
This was a rather unrealistic approach , but all was changed when her eyes caught the heavy heart of Cirrus. Inexplicable was her sudden interest in the one others shied away from , and Whistle had finally put herself out there for once in her life in hopes of making him feel welcomed. It'd take numerous attempts for a chance to even speak to the oddity , but for a long while she had considered the two of them to be great friends , with an additional body later known as Viola soon joining. As strange as they all were , the Grass / Electric Munchkin developed a fondness beyond platonic for Cirrus that was soon snuffed out by the Pred Munchkin , leaving a bitter chill in her very soul that was responsible for her complete 180° in characteristics.
If he did not love the tenderhearted girl he had grown up with , perhaps something much more sensuous was in order. . .

▹ The necklace that Whistle is seen wearing her entire life was a gift from her parents , and it was found abandoned near the Burned Tower of Ecruteak City.
▹ Whistle's sprout on the top of her head is actually a part of her , you can pluck it off which will hurt , but it will eventually grow back.
▹ She has a great fear of commitment , and will leave others in the dust without another word if she feels it's becoming too meaningful on both sides.
▹ Her birth name is Riley , but after taking to the nickname "Whistle" , it's all she ever wanted to be referred to as. . . She really didn't want the association of her birth name anymore after Rye's passing.

Related Characters


⠀⠀Rye ,  Father ⠀⠀Aqua ,  Mother ⠀⠀Marina ,  Sister

   ▹ Flurry , Partner

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