Profile G1-0031: Blade

Owned by adgerelli


"Get out... get OUT... LEAVE ME ALONE!"

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◊ 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞: Blade
◊ 𝐀𝐠𝐞: 17 | 10.27.2499
◊ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: Female
◊ 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲: Demisexual
◊ 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫: #4F5A95


Blade was that one person who knew absolutely everyone. The popular kids, the shy kids, and everyone in between. She made sure to learn everyone’s name and remembered them. She included the often excluded in her daily activities and outings and kept tabs on what everyone liked and disliked. She was always ready to offer a helping hand and was extremely patient with anyone who had trouble keeping up.


Hate. Fear. Pain. Don’t go near her or you will lose an eye. Old Blade is gone. She’s too afraid to let her guard down and come back out. Blade is extremely mistrusting and she struggles to view others in a positive light. She will let out a warning growl if someone were to step too close to her or her siblings, and you’d better listen.

She often has episodes of PTSD and insanity which put her into an unstable and dangerous state. There is a high chance of her accidentally hurting someone so she’s more comfortable keeping to herself. If she hurts them they’ll hurt her. If someone else's actions triggered an episode -whether deliberate or accidental- she will attack them. Intentionally. 

This instability has prevented Blade from keeping strong relationships outside of her immediate family and Reign. But maybe it’s better this way. Sometimes, she seems totally fine, but those moments are very short-lived and a harder descent will usually follow soon after.  She remembers everyone. She knew everyone. All their names. She just can’t communicate these things anymore. It’s all jumbled up now. She remembers but she doesn’t know them anymore. Everyone is different now and everyone let her suffer. Deep down, rarely, she rationally recognizes that she’s wrong and that they still care. But accepting that changes everything so she keeps it buried so deep that most of the time she doesn’t even know that feeling is there.


Blade only knew peace for roughly one year of her life before the torturing began. She never found out why, or what she did wrong. Up until that point she was always kind to others and followed the rules perfectly. Or so she thought. One day things were fine, and then they weren’t. For what felt like the longest moments of her life, her body was maimed and they went as far as to replace her teeth with blades just because they could. Her recovery was long and painful, because she didn’t get proper medical care out of negligence. Damen brought her to Reign, and he immediately became her primary caretaker. For the safety of herself and others, she had to be restrained in case she lashed out unexpectedly until she could be sedated. All she knew was pain, and the warmth of her siblings underneath that. Despite the pain and rejection she was feeling, she knew Damen and Nocturne went through the same as she, and wanted nothing more than to be with them always.

Her memories of that time are as vivid and clear as if they were yesterday. She remembers the faces of everyone who came in to visit her while she recovered, even though from then on she held them all at arm’s length. She couldn’t trust them. She couldn’t trust anyone except for her siblings. The next person in line to hold a bit closer, though not completely, was Reign.

「𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬」
* Even after her teeth grow in, she holds an affinity for softer foods, specifically mashed potatoes.
* Once she loses herself entirely, she can only communicate with Pikaspeak.
* She walks on all fours post-trauma.

Immediate Family

DNA Infusion






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