Profile G1-0030: Damen

Owned by Staarbits

"You think you understand me, but you couldn't even begin to imagine the things I've experienced... or the things I've done."


Name: Damen
Age: 18 || ???
Gender: Male
Height: 2'07.5"
Type: Dark/Fire
Ability: Intimidate/Flash Fire
Nature: Lonely (+Atk/-Def)
Characteristic: Proud of its power

Level: 1

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NormalIC_FRLG.png Slam: The target is slammed with a long tail, vines, or the like to inflict damage.
DarkIC_FRLG.png Hone Claws: The user sharpens its claws to boost its Attack stat and accuracy.
FireIC_FRLG.png Fire Pledge: A column of fire hits the target.
DarkIC_FRLG.png Night Slash: The user slashes the target the instant an opportunity arises.

( + ) Loyal | Dependable
( = ) Proud | Bold | Sarcastic | Private
( – ) Short Tempered | Intolerant | Detatched | Callous | Insensitive

Like most of Polaris's clones, Damen was born at the corporation's main facility in Saffron City. By the time he came into the picture, the newborn was one of only two clones at the time - the other being Talon. This wasn't the case for long, however, as new clones were born at a rate, which seemed to him, to be practically every other day. During the time he spent at the facility, Damen experienced everything from manipulation and abuse at the hands of his older companion, to the torture of his two younger siblings, to which he had been forced to bear witness on more than one occasion. With his attempts to be a good brother and make peace with the other clones thwarted by Talon at every turn, he grew bitter and resentful towards others and himself which, in turn, caused him to close himself off to others and lash out at the slightest provocation. In one particular instance, Talon finally pushed him too far and Damen attacked and presumably killed the older 'chu, badly maiming three others in the process. That event being the proverbial nail in the coffin as far as his companions were concerned, he seized leadership of what remained of the group and presided over them as Talon had done before him.

By the time the clones were finally discovered by the originals, they were a haggard, hungry group of children struggling for survival - but they had been Damen's responsibility. And taking that from him was something he never forgave them for.

• Damen is strictly a carnivore. He doesn't eat much else.
• Nocturnal by nature, Damen is most active at night. He suffers from insomnia, however, and rarely sleeps in general.
• He tends to keep to himself and won't go out of his way to interact with others.
• Growing up as the oldest of three siblings, he's a provider by nature.
• He struggles with the feeling of failing his siblings and, as a result, intentionally distances himself from them when they're taken in by Rye and Aqua's family.

Voiceclaim: Shinji Hirako || Theme Song: ??? || Battle Theme: ???

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