Submission (#814) Approved

14 June 2024, 10:49:31 PDT (2 weeks ago)
14 June 2024, 13:09:55 PDT (2 weeks ago) by Staarbits


Part I: A Day Out (or in) - Where exactly is your character taking their date on this lovely late winter evening? Nothing is more romantic than a moonlit stroll in the park or sunset walk on the beach. Or maybe they decide to spice up the night with some excitement; there’s plenty of winter activities that would make a great date activity, between ice-skating, sledding, or simply playing around in the snow. Maybe they’re doing something completely out of their comfort zone just to impress their partner. Whatever it is, show where your character would take their significant other out on a date!


Reward Amount
Gift Basket 1
Strange Seed 4
Spring Festival Tickets 100


Thumbnail for G1-0057: Samuel

G1-0057: Samuel

Reward Amount
Experience (Currencies) 100


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

ConriAngel's Bank

Currency Quantity