[FP-004] Desert Duel

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A huge pale lump.
A huge pale lump.
Oh, would you look at that! Another huge pale lump!

As far as the eye could see, there was just an unbroken stretch of sand mounds rolling off into the distance, utterly devoid of distinguishing features or life. Sometimes Dev could have sworn they’d seen a cactus, but most of the time when they looked back it was gone; they’d always thought mirage visions would be a bit more grand, anticipating hallucinations of their heart’s desires calling them along like a siren’s song. Not just a mundane hint of anything other than the eternal rolling desert surrounding the Pikachu and their Omanyte. 

“Oh Onie-Anne, we’re really in it now… Y-you didn’t happen to see where we’d come from, did you?”

They hunkered down on Onie-Anne’s bone white shell, almost indistinguishable from the deathly pale of the landscape around them, as she made an apologetic warbling keen. Definitely a no. Dev couldn’t understand how easily they’d even gotten lost; sure, they often got far too focused when they were out exploring, but Onie-Anne’s tracks seemed to get swallowed by the shifting sand just as quickly as they were made. Earlier they’d seen bones half hidden in the sand, marking their way like macabre bread crumbs, but it had been a long while since they’d come across a sign that there used to be creatures living here.

Dev wasn’t under the delusion they would find the passage to Pinkan Island this far from the sea, but they at least thought they’d find some clue as to where the Bunneary came from. Footprints, maybe? Part or whole of a Pinkan Island fruit, hopefully? Dev’s greatest hope was to spy a bright pink Lopunny out there to reunite her with, but the scientific significance of finding the fruit that her unusual coat color could be attributed to would be absolutely thrilling. 

As it stood, the only pink in this landscape was the sky as the sun began to retreat, threatening to leave Dev and Onie-Anne alone in the frigid dark. The Pikachu’s fingers drummed nervously on her shell as their head swivelled a mile a minute, an unfeeling infinite landscape staring back into their fervent eyes. 

“Oh… Oh A-Arceus… What should we… W-what are we meant to do, Onie?”

They’d turn back, if only they knew where to go.

They’d set up camp, if only they’d brought the supplies for it. 

They’d call for help, if only there was anyone out here.

There was nothing but nothingness.

The Omanyte let out a low noise, mismatched eyes turned up in worry as the Pikachu on her back’s breathing grew faster and faster. Her tired tentacles felt for purchase in the sand, dragging them onwards towards anything but this.


Gritty sand filled Paradoxid’s mouth as he skidded into the sand, grazing most of his body as he went. He was glad of the fact the sun had set, taking the muggy burning out of the wild chase he was being sent on, but it didn’t exactly make him thrilled to be running after the Bunneary; she’d been behaving so well, especially considering Quill’s behaviour, but she’d been running for so long. What set her off?

“Come on, little lady, just come on over. I’m not gonna hurt you.” He pleaded, trying to keep his voice as gentle as he could through his exasperation. The Bunneary just peered at him, her tiny pink head poked up over a sand dune. This had been the trend for quite a while; her running off so he could barely still see her, then waiting until he was almost close enough to pick her up before dashing off even further.

What was Dev going to think when they came back and both Paradoxid and the Bunneary were missing? His job was simple, keep the little one fed and happy until Dev returned with news about where she came from. They wouldn’t be anticipating for either to leave the clan’s settlement at all, the poor pikachu would probably be worried sick! 

The only one who’d seen Paradoxid stalking around taking care of the Bunneary was Quill, and he didn’t have much hope of her being helpful and telling Dev what happened. Hell, he was willing to bet she’d tell the kid he’d been dragged off by a hungry class 4 or chased the Bunneary off a cliff just to delight in their suffering.
Pushing himself up off the sand, he staggered to his feet as the Bunneary let out a worried chirp. 

“I’m alright, girl, just come on…”

His tail dragged through the sand as he stumbled towards her, helping just a teensy bit to stabilise his meandering path. Paradoxid’s pace picked up as he realised he was getting close, but the Bunneary knew his reach well; the minute his hand stretched down to grab her she was off like a lightning bolt through the empty rolling desert. All he could do was groan, tattered antennae drooping as he called out to her.

“Come on, it isn’t safe for a little thing like you out here! There are Cacturne roaming this late!”

He skidded down the sand dunes after her, his flank almost dyed white and red raw from how many hills he’d slipped down during his chase.


Dev could see their breath in front of them as they continued with their companion through the desert. It was a far cry from the uncomfortable panting the desert climate elicited during the day. They were almost convinced the errant tears that escaped through their blinks were going to freeze to their face as they wrapped their arms around themself to conserve heat. At least they had fur to rely on, poor Onie-Anne had to face the desert’s frost with no barrier between the wind and her skin, plus she’d been the one actually walking this whole time.

A chill ran up their spine, causing them to shudder even harder than the constant shivering Dev had been keeping up since the sun set. The only good news, although ‘good’ was a very generous descriptor, was that the landscape had started to change; bones had started to appear again. At first it was just one or two, Dev thought they may have been illusions like the vanishing cacti, but as the pair trudged on the skeletons littering the ground grew more and more frequent.

Infact, they could have sworn they were growing more and more fresh too.

It was impossible for Dev to tell what was making their heart pound so fast; was it the fear of being lost? Paranoia? Just their heart trying in vain to pump heat around their body? Or was it… that they were being watched?

“Do you… Y-You don’t feel like something’s following us, d-do you Onie?”

The Omanyte remained silent, but her tentacles bunched up in a clear display of fear. Dev whipped their head around, catching a glimpse of what he thought was a cactus, but noticed something strange; what seemed like two will-o’-the-wisps floating near the top of the plant. 

On a second look, there were quite a few more cacti than they remembered seeing. Surely they couldn’t have missed that many…

There were a hell of a lot more glowing orbs too.

Dev slipped down off of Onie-Anne’s back, trembling as they balled their hands into fists.

“I-I don’t… I don’t think those are cacti, Onie… O-or mirages…”

They could have sworn one of those cacti just took a step. Their fist began to glow softly, wreathed in blue energy. 

Another step.

Dev didn’t have time to do anything but scream as the pack of Cacturne exploded into action, stampeding towards them and their companion. Their fists flung wildly, unleashing aura sphere after aura sphere into the swarm descending on them, tears blurring the horrific sight of the Cacturne; pus-like glowing yellow eyes peering out from deep set sockets, gnarled spikes bursting from pestilent green or withered brown skin stretched taut over the beasts like hide hung up for tanning, and wide grins made of abyssal holes as if they were clawed into their faces. The horrible wheezing of their breaths in unison drowned out everything around Dev; their cries, their thoughts, the sound of their moves, all gone.

Even with the waves of rock and Scorching Sands the pair sent, vicious spines buried themselves into Dev and Onie-Anne, and tendrils of plant and shadow tore at them as the Cacturne horde strove to make them their next meal.

The air hung thick with the stench of blood and rotting flora as Dev squeezed their tear filled eyes shut, swinging wildly and praying that the end would be quick. Between their scorching moves, pounding blood, and the heat of all the bodies pressed in on them, it felt as if the full force of the desert sun had returned.

Above the din, a voice cut through.


Their ears pricked up, the deep rumble of that guttural yell convincing them to open an eye. 

A cool wind blew through the crowd, carrying on it the glint of green scales. It tore through the Cacturne like razors, once again deafening Dev and their companion with desert beasts’ agonised screeches, but leaving the pair unharmed.

Though he was practically a blur, Dev made out through the desperate throng Paradoxid’s scowling face as he summoned up Ancient Power to smash the Cacturne in the back of the head with fossil studded rocks.

With the beasts beginning to fall, the Pikachu found the courage to ball their bleeding fists and once again start slinging Aura Spheres at their opponents. As their limbs continued to burn and their moves continued to fly, Cacturne after Cacturne fainted before their onslaught. 

As the crowd collapsed and the stragglers began to stumble back, Dev saw flashes of bright pink popping up around the Cacturne’s feet; the Pinkan Bunneary! She tore viciously at their assailants, quick attacks sending the Cacturne brave enough to keep battling on their way.

After what felt simultaneously like forever and a split second, the four Pokémon stood surrounded by fainted primordial beasts in the freezing desert. The hot stinging of the cuts and gashes littering Dev and sending brown blood trickling down their pelt seemed to offer mock comfort against the cold, but it didn’t stop the Pikachu from shivering. Tears pricked at their eyes as they staggered over to Paradoxid, face contorting as they scraped for something to say.

Ultimately they could only wail “I-I’m sorry!” as they buried their head in the soft fur of the Raichu’s chest.

Paradoxid placed a stilted hand on Dev’s head as he summoned mysterious water, allowing Life Dew to settle on their wounds and heal them. The gentle mist laid down on the battered and bruised Onie-Anne, and far less injured Bunneary, causing their injuries to disappear in an instant.

“It’s alright, kid, you’re alright… What happened back there?”

“T-the diff… The difference between a m-mirage and d-deception is just what- it’s just who you’re being t-tricked by…”

Dev felt the rumble of Paradoxid’s hum as he considered the Pikachu’s vague answer.

“The Cacturne tricked you?”

They nodded into Paradoxid’s chest.“Mhm. I-I’m so sorry… H-how did you… How’d you even find us? Oh Arceus, how are we g-gonna find our way home!?!”

“The little lady did, actually.” He nodded at the Bunneary, though Dev couldn’t see it. “Took off all of a sudden like something spooked her- I thought it might’ve been that birdbrained Herald, but she was trying to lead me somewhere. Here. She was real worried about you.”

Bunneary made a small trill, looking up at Dev with her dark eyes wide with worry. Onie-Anne made a joyous noise as she threw her tentacles up, a gesture of appreciation and relief. 

Dev reached down and pulled the Bunneary into their embrace, nuzzling her peach fuzz head as they exclaimed their thanks. Paradoxid’s twin tails stretched awkwardly to stroke Onie-Anne’s shell, not wanting the brave Omanyte to feel left out.

“Ready to head home, kid?” Paradoxid asked, pulling away slightly from Dev and the Bunneary.

Dev nodded enthusiastically as they bundled the beast who tracked them down more securely in their arms.

“I-I don’t know… We l-lost track of where we came from, the Cacturne m-must have been e-erasing our tracks…”

“Don’t worry, I’ve been dragging my tail as I went. We’ve got two tracks leading straight back home. Onie-Anne, are you up for carrying the kid?”

The Omanyte winked her golden eye as she flexed her tentacles. She’s still good to go!
Paradoxid helped Dev up onto their companion’s shell as they began the journey home.

“I-I couldn’t find where B-Bunneary came from… I’m sorry…” Dev tentatively mumbled after a while of trudging back through the sand. All this distance covered, for absolutely nothing.

“That’s alright, Dev… You gave it a good shot.”

“Since w-we can’t get her h-home. Could she… maybe… stay with us?”

Paradoxid fell silent for a while, his good eye turned to Dev and the Bunneary tucked comfortably in their arms. They really seemed to care about her… and she didn’t seem to hate them either.

“…Well, if she wants to, why not?”

[FP-004] Desert Duel
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In Spring Festival ・ By Lazuli-Heart
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Submitted By Lazuli-Heart for [FP-004] Lost BeastsView Favorites
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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