[FP-004] Paradoxid's Duty

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Sunlight filtered into their dimly lit hut, littered with various statuettes and artefacts on every possible surface. Dev sat, swinging their legs as they watched Onie-Anne and the Bunneary they had found run around playing tag. 
For the night she’d been there, the Bunneary had just hidden away, scrambling behind or under anything she could reach whenever one of them drew near. It had taken hours for her to feel confident enough to let one of them, Onie-Anne, draw close, and it took even longer for her to feel comfortable enough to fall asleep.
The pikachu was almost envious of the bond their companion managed to form with her in such a short amount of time, but it was better to count their blessings than wish Dev was the one playing around right now. Besides, they’d managed to make progress with her in their trip back to the Sun Clan; she used to tremble if the pikachu did so much as breathe in her direction, and now she was perfectly comfortable with their presence, even if she didn’t seem to acknowledge it.

“So, what’s the plan?” Dev asked, cocking their head at the Raichu who lent against a corner of their shared place watching the primordial beasts bonding.

“One of us goes out and tries to find where our guest came from, and hopefully get her home. The other stays here and makes sure she doesn’t get into any trouble with the less… Beast friendly clan members. Which would you prefer?”

Dev’s eyes lit up as they exclaimed “Oh! That’s obvious, I’ll be doing the investigation! Imagine it: finding evidence of Pinkan Island, right here in Terreria’s desert… I could make the next greatest scientific discovery the world has ever seen!”

“…The main goal is just getting our little lady back to her family, you know.”

“I know, Paradoxid, obviously that’s the most important thing… But still! Nothing wrong with getting two birds with one stone, is there?”

Paradoxid’s split tail flicked as a small smile tugged at his face. “…I suppose not. I’ll be on babysitting duty, then. You got everything you’ll need?”

Dev rifled through their old leather bag, running a mental checklist. Journal for any grand discoveries? Check! Water? If they have Onie-Anne with them, check! Berries for the pair to snack on? Check! That should be about everything, right? They should be back before nightfall, hopefully with a pink Lopunny in tow and evidence of Pinkan Island in their paws!

“Yep, I’m all set! See you when I find something, Para!”

Dev beckoned their Omanyte over, slinging the bag over her shell. She waved a tentacle to her new friend as Dev tackled Paradoxid in an embrace that had him stiffening like a statue at the surprise.

“Woah- Yeah, see you later, kid. Make sure you’re back by nightfall, there are all sorts of nasty Primordial Beasts roaming the dunes after dark.”

He ruffled Dev’s hair, having regained control of his limbs after the shock of their hug. The pikachu dashed out the door, cheering something about adventure as their companion rushed after them, leaving Paradoxid and the Bunneary alone. He knelt down to her, green eyes soft as he gently spoke.

“So, what are we gonna do with you, huh?”

She peered mournfully past him to the doorway her new friend had disappeared through, throwing herself to the ground with her little arms folded. 

“I know, darl. She’ll be back soon.”

A kind smile crossed Paradoxid’s face as he wrapped his tufted tail around himself, but it didn’t do anything to unfurrow the little beast’s brow.

“Nothing you need?”

The Bunneary tossed her head, pouting, but her untouchable facade was soon broken by her stomach growling with the ferocity of a class 4 beast.

“…Breakfast it is, then. Stick close, I’ll take you to the pantry with me.”

Paradoxid cocked his head towards the exit as he beckoned to her, hopping up from his squat. Although she faltered for a minute, ultimately she trotted behind him hot on his heels; she can’t exactly go on a hunger strike to bring Onie-Anne back sooner.
His tail wrapped protectively around her as they slipped through the sun clan settlement, sticking to the shadows to avoid the heat of the sun’s rays and the ire of clan members who weren’t so friendly around primordial beasts.
Considering the clan’s current food situation, that number could’ve been quite a bit higher than usual. 
Ultimately no one noticed the pair as they headed into the food storage, causing the Raichu to let out a sigh of relief.

“…Right then. What do Bunnearies eat, anyways? We don’t have any of that fancy magic fruit Dev said you eat…”

There were berries of all shapes, sizes and colours in the stock, making figuring out what she’d eat harder but the subtle difference in berry count far easier to miss. The Bunneary wrapped her arms around his leg as he beheld the pantry, trying to guess what she’d be willing to go for… Maybe Rindo or Colbur berries? They’re part of a normal Bunneary’s diet, but she isn’t exactly a normal Bunneary. In that case, would something pink like a Pecha or a Mago berry be better? He can’t exactly let her try everything and see what she likes, food can’t be wasted in this arid environment.

Ultimately he decided to split the difference, reaching for a Rindo berry and a Pecha berry. If she doesn’t like one of them, he can always finish it for her. As he reached for the knobbly green fruit the hut flooded with shadow, accompanied by the clinking of metal claws on the hard floor.
He turned quickly, legs kept together to conceal the primordial beast he was taking care of, as a gigantic dark Raichu ducked to enter the storage room. Shifting her great wings to get through the entrance, her dusty plum eyes raked over him and the food tucked against his chest.

“Oh, you got that for me? Good job, peasant, I wasn’t in the mood to figure out what I wanted anyways. I’ll need a bit more than that, though, being a legendary’s chosen one is a lot of work.” She purred, arm casually outstretched in demand for Paradoxid to hand it over. 

“…No. This isn’t for you, or me. If you’ll excuse me.”
Paradoxid tried to school the glare he was shooting up at the towering woman as he flicked his head and inclined his antennae towards the doorway.

Her feathers ruffled as Quill snarled “What would an insignificant little insect like you need it for that could possibly be more important than fueling the will of the legends? Honestly, if you’re going to insist on being so ugly you could at least try not being so greedy.”

Paradoxid backed further into the corner as the herald advanced a few steps. He had to press his back into the wall to keep his legs from banging into the Bunneary behind him.
“I said excuse me.”

Quill jabbed a finger into his scarred chest, pushing him back so far he thought he was clipping through the wall. “Are your ears as broken as your ratty antennae? Hand it over already.”

A small squeak sounded below them as the Bunneary scrambled out from behind the Raichu, eyes wide as she backed away. Quill’s predatory gaze flickered down to her, and back to Paradoxid with a vicious smirk.

“Aww I see, you were fattening up a little snack for Kaath! Maybe you’re not as useless and plain stupid as I thought, little bug.” She taunted, jostling his head around as she gripped his chin. 

“Buzz off, birdbrains, she’s not on the menu.” Paradoxid jerked his head out of her grasp, glowering at the avian leering over him. He backed away from her, faltering as he went, eliciting a mocking laugh from Quill.

“Perhaps I should just feed you to Kaath, you stubborn little creepy-crawly. You’d have more meat on you than that runt anyways.”

“A rock for a chest and rocks for brains too. What a combination.” 

“I should crush you here and now you tiny, repulsive insect. You’re a waste of my time and space, and honestly? I think you’d look better as a green stain.”

Quill snarled at him as his tails lashed. His inching advance towards the door stopped as he growled.

“Let’s find out if I can kill one bird the size of two with one stone, you stuck up-“

A high pitched squeak interrupted his insult, making his head whip around to see the Bunneary’s feet disappear out of view as she dashed through the doorway. The berries tumbled out of his hand as he started towards the door.


Quill hardly had time to react as Paradoxid tumbled out into the sand after the Bunneary, yelling for him to get back there after him. 
It wasn’t worth going after some random insignificant Raichu, but if he was going to just waste the berries anyways, why did he even bother being so insolent?

[FP-004] Paradoxid's Duty
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In Spring Festival ・ By Lazuli-Heart
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Submitted By Lazuli-Heart for [FP-004] Lost BeastsView Favorites
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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