[G2-001M] Lottie's Dawn of a New Day (Moon)

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Lottie almost cried with relief when she finally spied the great grey spires of Dragonspiral Tower looming in the distance, despite it being wreathed in ominous grey clouds. She was a long way from Respite Village, and she could feel every step of the trek here in her aching paw pads. At least she had the option of levitating though, although that gets so tiring that she has to switch back to plain old walking soon enough. It’s more options than Biko has, especially since she was carrying Bella on her back; Lottie wouldn’t be surprised if the poochyena’s grey paws had turned purple by now. 


“Almost there! I bet we could reach the tower in no time flat, and then you can finally have a rest.”


Biko’s tail perked up slightly at that, and Bella let out a celebratory noise. Lottie was almost jealous of her slugma, but she knew that if Bella was taking the trip on foot too it would have quadrupled their travel time- and that was a conservative estimate. Not to mention how much energy she has to expend just to keep herself warm; she’s at risk of turning to rock at any time, especially if she was focusing on keeping up with the others. 

The scenery, at least, kept Lottie’s mind off every stone poking into her at any given time; it was all so new! Since leaving the forest surrounding her home there've been so many plants and primordial beasts she’d never seen before, filling her with wonder as she wandered towards her eventual goal of meeting Mirage. When her journey began, she’d made countless detours just to stare intently at every new leaf and flower she could find, musing about what Aiko would think of them. Maybe Aiko should have come with her after all; she could probably name every bit of greenery she’s seen and have thousands more plants springing up to boot! Ah well… There's enough greenery around here, the desert is in far greater need of her best friend’s green thumb. Plus, she quickly came to the realisation that it would take half her lifespan to reach Mirage if she stopped off every time she saw a flower. 

She did her best to observe every primordial beast she spotted too, turning invisible with her ghostly abilities and watching them with a running nature documentary commentary in her head, but after more than a few close calls Biko made it clear that she wouldn’t put up with more amateur zoology. She may not have the ability to speak, but she can certainly still give the silent treatment, especially since Lottie seemed to forget that Biko and Bella can’t suddenly disappear when a beast looks their way. The battles along the way have certainly dragged out the journey, with Biko having to prove that just because she’s living a lapdog life now, it doesn’t mean she’s forgotten what it’s like to rule a pack with her teeth and claws. 


Biko shuddered in time with Bella shivering, her fur being rubbed the wrong way as her passenger tried to drag her scarf up to wrap around herself for extra warmth. It was a trade off for Biko being able to carry her, Lottie thought as she took the parts of the scarf not shielding the poochyena’s back and tucked it around her companion, that while the flame retardant scarf was being used as a mat for Bella to sit on it couldn’t be used to trap in what precious little heat she produced. The cold seemed to stalk them like a predator, the air growing steadily and dangerously cooler as the sun disappeared behind the clouds. It was hard to tell whether the chill running up Lottie’s spine was from the temperature or something else; a pervasive sense that they were being watched. 


Biko stood as still as a statue, straining her ears against the rustling of the leaves and the crunch of Lottie’s slowing steps on the grass and dirt below them to discern what other possible creatures could be lurking nearby. As Lottie came to a stop a foreign noise grew more and more audible; a horrible rattling, wheezing noise, like the final dying breaths of someone gravely ill. 

Bella let out a sharp gasp and shot small flames from her mouth so quickly Biko barely escaped being singed when a single red eye flared at her out from the forest’s shadows. All she saw was a stark white skull flashing in the glow of her flames as the beast stalking them plunged into the bushes, attempting to get away from the slugma’s Ember. She slipped off of Biko’s back as the poochyena wheeled around to shaking bushes with her fangs bared. The shadows of the foliage stretched and warped as if they were being dragged towards the pair as Lottie vanished from view, morphing into a hunched form. It's dark diminutive form was wrapped in bones as tight as a vice as its skull clacked back and forth with the swinging of its glowing orb of an eye between its sockets; a Duskull.


The Duskull and Biko launched at each other simultaneously; Biko attempting to use Bite as the ghost turned quickly- using Astonish to make Biko release her jaw’s grip early with a yelp. Bella rushed in to back her up almost instantly, charging at the Duskull while wreathed in flame and connecting with a sickening thud. It’s cloth form crumpled beneath the force of Bella’s Flame Charge, flailing wildly against the weight of the slugma pinning it down and clawing Biko in the process. A bright ball of fire began to gather in Bella’s mouth as she bared down on the beast, breaking her wide furious stare for only a moment as Biko whimpered and sprang back. 

That moment of distraction was all the Duskull needed, turning to shadow before the pair’s eyes and reappearing behind Biko’s back to slam down on her with a Shadow Sneak, letting out a rattling war cry. The poochyena screamed as her legs buckled beneath the weight of the Duskull’s onslaught, with Bella unable to aim without risking hitting Biko as well. The ghost took no time switching targets, immediately dissolving into the darkness surrounding Bella. Her yellow eyes flickered from shadow to shadow, watching every minute movement before springing the mounting inferno in her throat free. 

The Duskull and Bella hissed in unison, the ghost being painfully forced out from the shadows in an explosion of embers as rain droplets began to find their sizzling mark on the slugma’s skin. As Bella began to recoil, shrinking in towards the bushes while rock formed in clumps where the water cooled her skin, the Duskull began its advance towards the injured Biko with a vengeful light in its eye. 


Just as the Duskull began to form a ball of darkness before the poochyena it’s shadow burst out and upward, revealing the yellow blur of Lottie plunging down, hitting the beast square in the middle of it’s back with her Phantom Force. It let out an ear piercing wail as the light of its eye went out and its cloth body crumpled into a heap beneath the pikachu, fainted.


“Biko, Bella! Oh, oh shoot- the rain! And your poor back-“


Lottie dashed over to Bella and tugged her scarf over her head, trying to shield her as best she could from the rain. She tilted the slugma’s head back and forth, taking stock of how cold she was to the touch and how much of her skin had turned to stone. “Sorry, give me a second, that should work for now-“ she muttered as she ran over to Biko, fumbling for something to use with her eyes and planchette markings aglow. Plucking a blue fruit from a nearby tree, she peeled it and offered the slices to her panting companion one at a time, her mouth watering at the citrusy smell.

 “Go on, this should take care of the worst of it at least.”

As the slices of oran berry disappeared into Biko’s maw, the bruises beginning to bloom on her back began to fade as quickly as they’d appeared. Not all of her wounds had gone, but it certainly helped. The poochyena brought herself to her feet and shook herself off, spraying rain water all around her as Bella recoiled. Biko whined in apology, her tail sagging as Lottie ran back over to the slugma, hopping into the air and levitating above her to use herself as a makeshift umbrella. “I’m really sorry to do this to you, Bikie, especially right after that injury-“ Lottie tentatively asked, shifting herself mid air to try to be the best shelter she could, “-But are you up for carrying Bella again? She’s cool- too cool, you’ll be able to carry her on your back without getting scorched. I can’t carry her and block the rain at the same time…”


Biko came to Bella’s side with no hesitation, allowing the fatigued slugma to galumph onto her back with an apologetic and tired “Bah…”. Even with the pikachu trying to shield them, Bella’s scarf was soaked and Biko’s cloth collar clung to her fur with moisture. Lottie readjusted her scarf from above and the trio set off, Biko’s paws pounding on the wet dirt and rain pelting Lottie’s back as they dashed the last stretch of forest separating them from the shelter of Dragonspiral Tower. 


Coming up to the empty doorway of the ancient stone tower, the drenched group let out a collective sigh of relief. The structure was in desperate need of repair, collapsed walls and cracked slabs galore, but from the gaps and the entryway gloriously warm light poured out; a promise of protection from the downpour. 

Before Lottie could knock, which was lucky since she wouldn’t know where to knock anyways, she heard the footfall of another pokemon- bipedal, from the sound of them- coming down the ancient stairs towards them accompanied with the ringing of a bell.


The pale pikachu before them drew her great black cloak close around her and crossed her arms, her lavender eyes evaluating them warily as she took in the bedraggled group. Lottie floated to the ground beside her companions, mustering her the politest smile she could before she opened her mouth to speak. The tower’s resident beat her to the punch, sharply asking “Who are you, and what are you doing here?” with an impatient scowl.

“Ah, well- Sorry, I know this is really really rude but Bella, she can’t be out in this weather- she’s gotten way too cold and she’s turning into rock… Would you mind if we come in? Just until the downpour stops- I just need to get her warmed back up.”

Placing her paws on her hips, the stranger gave an exasperated sigh and jerked her head towards the stairway, stepping aside to let the group in.

“Fine. You’re not the first Pokémon to turn up here out of nowhere, apparently ancient abandoned towers are synonymous with hotels now.”

Lottie dipped her head gratefully and hurried inside, her companions close behind her.

“You didn’t answer either of my questions” the pikachu shot, side-eyeing the trio.

“Oh! I’m Lottie, and these are my companions; Biko and Bella, nice to meet you! You are…?” Lottie tilted her head and extended a paw, inviting her host to shake it. The hooded pikachu just looked down at her damp paw and back up at her, unable to hide her disdain at how wet it was.

“Mirage. If you or one of your beasts get any of that water on me, you’re going right back out into the cold, got it? I don’t particularly want mangy pests in my home regardless.”

Lottie’s eyes lit up as she exclaimed “Oh! You’re Mirage! The Mirage! That’s perfect, I was coming here to meet you, actually! I heard you were forming a bit of a clan, and I was hoping to join!” She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, especially with Mirage’s confusing role in the prophecy, but probably someone a little more… not standoffish? Nicer about pet primordial beasts, maybe? Taller? Best not to mention that, though. Regardless, she’ll be able to figure out Mirage’s deal and which rumours are true now she’s here! Bella and Biko both sighed with relief as the warmth from the torches lining the halls began to seep into them.

“So the plan was always to impose yourself on me, then. The Moon clan is here, living in this tower.”

“No- I- er… Um… Well, I’m just flattered you think I had much of a plan, to be honest. But I’d like to join the Moon Clan! I have some skills, I think; I can sew, I can cook, I can do all sorts of crafts, and I’m pretty good at exploring too. Oh, and my bestie taught me to garden! I’m not bad at fighting too, I can handle primordial beasts- Also, how’d you know we were coming? You were there pretty much instantly.”

“I saw you from the window while I was blocking them against the rain, your glow was very obvious… Do you ever stop babbling?”

“Not really, no. But I can if you want me to!”

Mirage let out a deep breath, looking utterly sick of her new guests already. “I need some quiet. You can go find a room for yourself, I’m retiring to mine. There are still plenty of empty ones, somehow.”

She gestured around the branching hallway the four of them had reached, lined with doors in varying states of decay.

“Chances are if it’s not caked in dust it belongs to someone, but other than that you can pick wherever. Find someone else to ask if you need anything else.”


As Mirage stalked off towards her room, Lottie turned to her companions who stuck as close as possible to a burning torch on the wall. Bella’s face had already begun to lose some of the dark grey rock growths the rain had given her. “Well that went… probably as well as it could have! First order of business; finding a room. Hopefully with a fireplace!”

[G2-001M] Lottie's Dawn of a New Day (Moon)
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In Generation II ・ By Lazuli-Heart
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Submitted By Lazuli-Heart for [G2-001] Prologue: Dawn of a New Day (Moon)View Favorites
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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