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Fuse woke up in the middle of a desert with ears ringing and fuzzy eyesight. She shook her head briefly and scoured the area squinting to try and make out the shapes around her. Debris of what seemed to be some sort of makeshift air balloon was scattered around. The young pichu was startled at her knowledge. How did she know what it was? Where was she? More importantly, where did she come from? 

Fuse let herself fall on her back and stared at the sky. The ringing in her ears lessened as time passed and her sight slowly returned. She could make out some of the constellations above and it calmed her soul. This calm was disrupted when a cold wind chill hit her. If she stayed out like this much longer she’d likely get frostbite. Gathering herself, she got up, made some protective layers out of the debris, then made a small fire using some firecrackers she found in her bags. Lighting them was extremely satisfying triggering some memories back. ''Pyrotechnist'', that’s what she was, but clearly it was more than that. She must have some engineering knowledge as well. She laid near the fire and stared at the starry sky once more. She needed sleep, with a rested brain, maybe she could remember who she was.

When Fuse re-awaken, the fire had fizzled out but she was still warm? She opened her eyes to see white and red fur all around her. Two little odd looking Rockruffs were snuggling with her, she wasn’t sure if it was to keep her warm or to keep themselves warm but she was grateful of their shared body warmth. Due to her slight movement the fuzzy pair woke up and ran off somewhere else.

Now that sunlight was making its way to her, she could see the real damage of the makeshift air balloon she woke up near. How did she survive this mess? As hard as she tried she couldn’t remember how she ended up here or where she was from. She dusted herself off and started going through the remaining debris. She found some gunpowder, more firecrackers, dried fish jerky which the Rockruffs had clearly found and ate most of and a water canteen which had been chewed through and was now empty. This all explained why the fuzz balls were around here. Her stomach grumbled, she ate the remaining of the fish jerky but it wasn’t nearly enough to state her appetite. She made a makeshift bag with some cloth scraps from the balloon and gathered what supplies were left.

As Fuse finished gathering her supplies, the two white and red fuzz balls came running back. They seemed to be carrying something in their jaws. The fuzz ball with the missing leg dropped a mouthful of fruit on the ground and the fuzz ball with the misshapen ear dropped a hollow fruit filled with some sort of liquid. They both looked at her intently as if they wanted her to have these. “Awww, how sweet! Thank you two!” she exclaimed as she gladly drank and ate the slobbered food and drink. After she finished, she noticed the two fuzz balls playing with one another and decided to join in the fun. At first the Rockruffs were confused but it didn’t take long for the three of them to be roughhousing like a trio of siblings.

The three finally settled after a while and Fuse looked at both of them and noticed little bracelets on their paws. The missing paw Rockruff’s bracelet had “Del” engraved on it and the other had “Don”, there was also a famous breeder’s name on the backside of the bracelet. “You two were rejected weren’t you? I’m surprised you’re still alive.” Don chewed at his bracelet while his sister pawed at hers. Fuse understood that they wanted these off, as such she unclasped them and was greeted with some affectionate licks. “Much better like this isn’t it? Alright Don and Del, how about we set off for adventure?” The two rockruffs howled and the trio set off in a random direction.

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Eventually the trio ran into a group of Luminarians walking through the desert. Fuse was determined to make her presence known and the best way she knew how was to make a loud lightshow. She positioned herself on top of a sand dune near to the group and lit up some firecrackers as well as a couple of small fireworks she had with her. She then striked a confident pose waiting for the group’s reaction. To her dismay, the group seemed less than enthusiastic about her grand entrance.

A small Pichu eventually made her way through the group and pointed her finger at Fuse. “INVADER!!” The runt proceeded to run towards Fuse as if to attack her but Don and Del got infront of her. The runt seemed ready to take on the rockruffs but as much as Fuse loved the chaos she wanted to survive the night. “Whoa! Stop, I am not an invader. I just wanted to show my skills. Was pretty cool, right!” Madison scoffed and spoke through a pout. “No.” 

The small Pichu then gave her a icey cold glare. “So if u’re not an invader, who are u??”. Fuse sighed. “No clue, all I know is I’m named Fuse. I can’t remember anything since I crash-landed in the desert. Amnesia.” Madison growled “am…ne… what? Alien?! I won’t fall for u’r space tricks!” Fuse decided to distract the runt with a sparkler. She handed the runt one and lit it. The runt seemed dazzled by the fizzing, crackling stick producing light. Fuse smirked and eventually spoke. “Like I said, my name is Fuse.” The small chu responded with “Madison”. When the sparkler fizzled out Madison looked at Fuse with big puppy eyes and Fuse lit another one for the runt as they walked towards the rest of the group.

A Pikachu with green glowing markings and poofy hair eyed her up and down. “...so do ya want to get eaten kid? Pretty sure your little stunt could have attracted a Beast.” Fuse rubbed the back of her head. “Beast? Like these two? They seem harmless to me.” Fuse looked at Don and Del. The poofy hair Pikachu gave Fuse a “What the f-” look. “Have you been living under a rock?”

Before Fuse could reply, a regal looking Pikachu with golden glowing markings stepped in looking impatient. “Enough! Let’s get moving, I don’t want to end up being beast food.” He then turned towards Fuse. “As for you, ‘clearly’ you don’t have a clue and will die out here. Your only chance is to follow us to civilization. Any more explosives and you will be left behind.” Fuse was about to protest but was cut off by the regal looking Pikachu. “I’ve already got a handful of idiots following me around, what’s one more.” Almost immediately after this, the poofy hair Pikachu retorted with a snarky comment. “Aw c’mon lad. Don’t sell yourself short, idiots flock to other idiots.” The regal looking pikachu simply ignored him and walked forward in front of the group.

As they walked forward, Fuse got into the face of the green glow Pikachu and proceeded to ask him his name. “And what’s your name ray of sunshine?” Fuse caught Fletch off guard for a second but he then pushed her aside. “Wouldn’t you like to know ‘Sparkle Kid’.” With that, he also walked to the front of the group. Fuse turned to Madison. “What a character.” Madison was too entranced by the shiny sparkling stick to answer and Fuse shrugged. 

This group was strange and suspicious but it was currently her best bet of figuring out where she came from.

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In Generation II ・ By VerumTee
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Submitted By VerumTee for [G2-001] Prologue: Dawn of a New Day (Sun)View Favorites
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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